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Reglamento de Apuestas Deportivas

Nuestro reglamento de apuestas con los términos y condiciones aplicables a cada deporte y mercado puede ser consultado desde "Reglas de apuestas deportivas".

Cash out

Cash Out es una funcionalidad que permite al usuario cerrar una apuesta obteniendo una ganancia antes de que se cumpla la condición de dicha apuesta o de que finalice el evento deportivo en el que hemos apostado. Una vez cerrada la apuesta antes de que se cumpla el supuesto que esperábamos, la cantidad de dinero que recibimos varía en función de cómo marcha el evento en ese momento.

Dicha funcionalidad permite al usuario asegurar ganancias o minimizar pérdidas en función del desarrollo del evento sobre el que se desea hacer cash out.

Apuestas canceladas

Determinadas apuestas podrán ser canceladas por distintos motivos. Los motivos por los que una apuesta puede ser cancelada pueden ser consultados de manera directa en nuestra sección de "Reglas de apuestas deportivas".

Apuestas combinadas

Las apuestas combinadas son apuestas que incluyen dos o más selecciones y que resultarán ganadoras en el caso que cada selección incluida en la apuesta sea ganadora una vez el evento al que se refiere haya finalizado.

La cuota total de estas apuestas se obtiene multiplicando las cuotas de cada una de las selecciones incluidas en la apuesta, y en caso de que todas resulten ganadoras, esa cuota será la que se establezca para fijar la ganancia del usuario.

Apuestas de sistema

Las apuestas de sistema son un tipo de apuestas similares a las apuestas combinadas diferenciándose de estas en que no se necesita acertar todas las selecciones incluidas en la apuesta para obtener una determinada ganancia.

Las apuestas de sistema funcionan combinando entre sí todas las selecciones incluidas en la apuesta creando distintas apuestas combinadas, siendo cada apuesta combinada independiente la una de la otra.


BetBuilder es una funcionalidad que permite crear apuestas combinadas dentro de un mismo evento seleccionando diferentes tipos de mercados.

Tomando como ejemplo un partido de futbol entre Real Madrid y FC Barcelona, el usuario puede realizar una apuesta combinada haciendo uso de esta funcionalidad en una misma apuesta a que el Real Madrid ganará el partido, el Real Madrid ganará el primer tiempo, en el partido habrá un penalti y el Barcelona no marcará ningún gol.

Estas apuestas sustituyen las limitaciones de las apuestas combinadas en donde únicamente se pueden añadir selecciones de distintos eventos.

Esta funcionalidad se encuentra disponible en los eventos más significativos, donde un mayor número de mercados son ofrecidos.

Resultados en directo

enracha realiza el mayor esfuerzo en garantizar en todo momento que la información mostrada tanto en el resultado del evento como del tiempo transcurrido es correcta, proporcionando al cliente información clara y concisa de cada evento que se encuentra en vivo. En cualquier caso, es responsabilidad última del cliente la comprobación de que estos datos son precisos, no pudiendo realizar ninguna reclamación posterior en el caso de que los datos mostrados al realizar la apuesta fueran incorrectos.

Cambios de cuota

El usuario podría seleccionar desde su perfil de usuario si acepta cambios de cuotas al realizar la apuesta.

En determinadas ocasiones, sobre todo en las apuestas en vivo debido a la rapidez con la que se actualizan las cuotas, puede darse del caso que la cuota que el usuario selecciona fuera distinta, ya sea mayor o menor, a la cuota final una vez que la apuesta fuera aceptada.

Esta funcionalidad se podrá modificar en la sección de "Ajustes" situado en el Menú de Deportes accesible una vez el usuario se encuentra logueado.


Reglas del juego

  • Blackjack se juega con 3 cajas y 6 barajas normales de 52 cartas (comodines no incluidos).
  • El objetivo del juego es crear una mano con un valor que esté a la par o más cerca de 21 que la mano del repartidor sin pasarse.
  • Los números de cartas cuentan lo que indica su valor (2-10), los Ases cuentan como 1 u 11, y los Reyes, Reinas y Jotas cuentan como 10.
  • No se le da ninguna preferencia a ninguno de los 4 palos.
  • El juego se desarrolla con un repartidor computerizado. El repartidor recibe dos cartas y el jugador recibe otras dos cartas en cada casilla.
  • Las cartas del jugador se colocan boca arriba, y solo se muestra la primera carta del repartidor.
  • Puedes decidir Pedir, Doblar, Dividir o Plantarte.
  • Según las cartas que tengas y las del repartidor, además tienes las opciones de dividir, ir a la par o tomar un seguro.
  • Si decides Pedir carta, Doblar o Dividir, la siguiente carta o cartas repartidas cuentan en relación a esas decisiones.
  • Cuando decides plantarte, o tu mano se pasa, las siguientes cartas repartidas se asignan automáticamente a la siguiente mano o la mano del repartidor, según la mano que estés jugando.
  • La ronda de juego termina cuando el repartidor termina su mano.
  • En móvil, puedes ocultar los botones de juego tocando cualquier parte de la pantalla. El panel vuelve cuando dejas de tocar la pantalla.
  • Las cartas se vuelven a mezclar antes de cada ronda de juego.
  • Los límites máximos y mínimos de apuesta de la mesa se muestran en la sección de la mesa de MÍN/MÁX.
  • Si tu mano está más cerca de 21 que la mano del repartidor sin pasarte, has ganado.
  • Si la mano del repartidor está más cerca de 21 sin pasarse, has perdido.
  • El repartidor debe plantarse si tiene 17 o más, y tomar cartas si tiene 16 o menos.
  • Las manos del mismo valor empatarán, y se le devolverá su apuesta.
  • Si tu mano suma 22 o más (pasado), pierdes sin que importe el valor de la mano del repartidor.
  • Tu mano se planta automáticamente cuando suma 21.


  • Si se reparte inicialmente en cualquier mano una carta con valor de 10, como por ejemplo la carta 10 de cualquier palo, o un rey o una reina o una sota más un as, se considera un Blackjack.
  • Las ganancias del Blackjack se pagan 3:2.
  • El Blackjack siempre ganará a cualquier otra mano con un valor de 21.


  • Si la primera carta del repartidor es un As, puedes comprar un seguro.
  • El seguro cuesta 1/2 de la apuesta inicial y paga 2 a 1 si el repartidor tiene Blackjack.
  • Si aceptas el seguro y el repartidor no tiene Blackjack, pierdes la apuesta del seguro.

A la par

  • Si tiene blackjack, y la carta visible del repartidor es un as, puede ganar dinero a la par.
  • El dinero a la par paga 1:1.

Partir la mano

  • Si las dos primeras cartas que recibes tienen el mismo valor, puedes dividirlas en manos independientes.
  • Solo se permite una acción de "Dividir".
  • Al dividir, se duplicará su apuesta inicial, y jugará las dos manos, una después de otra.
  • Después de compartir los Ases recibirás una carta adicional por cada mano compartida.
  • Para todas las manos divididas, salvo los ases divididos, podrás pedir carta varias veces.
  • En una mano dividida, un As y una carta con valor de 10 contará como 21, no como Blackjack.

Double Down

  • Usted puede doblar tras recibir las dos primeras cartas (salvo tras dividir dos ases).
  • La apuesta doble a la baja está a la par con la apuesta inicial.
  • Tras doblar, se le repartirá una carta extra y a continuación su mano se plantará automáticamente.
Botones y Símbolos
Hacer una apuesta
Para hacer una apuesta, toque un botón de ficha.
Toque una ficha para añadir una ficha del valor seleccionado para apostar.
Toque para eliminar la apuesta.
Toque dos veces para eliminar la apuesta.
Toque para iniciar una ronda de juego.
Se le repartirán a usted 2 cartas boca arriba, y dos cartas al repartidor, la primera carta boca arriba y la segunda boca abajo.
El crupier comprueba la carta que está boca abajo, si la primera carta tiene un valor de 10, J, Q o K.
Toca para declinar Dividir, Seguro o Dinero a la par cuando estén disponibles.

Toca para aceptar Dividir, Seguro o Dinero a la par cuando estén disponibles.
Toque para no recibir más cartas.
Una vez que plante su mano, se mostrarán los resultados.
Pedir carta
Toca para recibir una carta adicional.
Nueva apuesta
Toque para hacer una nueva apuesta.
Volver a apostar
Para hacer una apuesta del mismo valor de la ronda anterior y jugar.
Volver a apostar x2
Toca para duplicar la apuesta que hiciste en la ronda de juego anterior.
Reparto ráp.
Toca para iniciar un Reparto rápido.
Configuración e Información del juego
Toque para acceder a los ajustes y la información del juego.
Toca para activar o desactivar el sonido sin tener que entrar en el menú de configuración.
Toca para salir del juego.
Ajustes de reparto
Reparto ráp.: Toque para activar o desactivar Reparto rápido.
Ajustes de sonido
Música de fondo. Activa o desactiva la música de fondo.
Sonidos del juego. Toca para activar o desactivar los sonidos del juego.
Tabla de premios
Toque para ver los pagos.
Reglas del juego
Toca para ver las reglas del juego.
Historial del juego
Toca para ver el historial de juego más reciente.
El historial del juego solo está disponible cuando se juega por dinero.
Toca para ver el valor de las manos del repartidor en las últimas 10 rondas de juego.
Toca para volver al juego principal.

Nota: Algunos ajustes podrían no estar disponibles.

Devolución al jugador

  • La devolución teórica para los jugadores de este juego es del 99.59%

La devolución teórica para los jugadores de este juego es del 99.59%

  • Las siguientes funciones y ajustes del juego pueden estar sujetos a los términos y condiciones del sitio web del juego. Para más información sobre lo siguiente, consulta el sitio web del juego:
    • El procedimiento usado para gestionar las rondas de juego no finalizadas.
    • El tiempo después del cual terminan las sesiones de juego inactivas
  • Si se produce un error de funcionamiento en el hardware/software de juegos, se anularán todas las apuestas y todos los premios afectados y se reembolsarán todas las apuestas afectadas.

Traducciones de terminología de juego

Término inglés Término traducido
Insurance Seguro
3 to 2 3 a 2
Win Ganancia

Reglas del juego generadas:



Cómo jugar:

1. Elige cualquiera de nuestras salas de bingo, haz clic en el Menú de Salas, donde podrás elegir la Sala de 90 bolas o la de 75. La sala seleccionada se mostrará en el Menú de Salas si está abierta para jugar, y si es así, podrás ver el tiempo restante hasta el siguiente juego.

2. Una vez dentro de una sala de bingo, podrás comprar cartones en cualquiera de las otras salas y participar en ellas haciendo clic en "Cambiar de Sala" en tu menú de usuario.

3. Haz clic en los cartones para seleccionarlos. Se mostrará el mensaje "Seleccionado" en la parte frontal del cartón. Además, puedes hacer una compra simultánea de varios cartones a la vez (puedes optar por comprar 1, 3, 6, 12 o el máximo de cartones que tu saldo permita en lugar de seleccionarlos manualmente) mediante el uso del área "Seleccionar Cartones" situado por encima de la tabla de números cantados.

4. Una vez hayas seleccionado los cartones, haz clic en "Comprar seleccionados" en el área "Seleccionar Cartones", situada encima de la tabla de números cantados, para activar la compra. El saldo de tu cuenta decrecerá y en los cartones elegidos se mostrará el mensaje "comprados".

5. La compra de cualquier cartón es definitiva.

Reglas del juego (v3.5):

1. Los números se cantan cada 3 segundos.

2. Tu objetivo es que todos los números mostrados en uno de tus cartones (de 90 bolas), o los números dentro del patrón designado en un cartón (en 75 bolas) esté completamente lleno (es decir, todos los números hayan sido cantados) antes de que nadie. El patrón requerido para cada juego en el bingo de 75 bolas se muestra claramente a la derecha de sus cartones de bingo, encima de la tabla de números cantados. Estos patrones son aleatorios y pueden variar. En el bingo de 90 bolas, hay 2 premios disponibles: en primer lugar, completar con éxito cualquier línea horizontal en un cartón, cantando una "Línea"; y, en segundo lugar, completar todos los números del cartón, cantando "Bingo".

3. El bingo se juega siempre en modo automático. Esto significa que se te notificará inmediatamente si alguno de tus cartones ha sido premiado. Además, se te avisará mediante el movimiento de los cartones (seleccionando "Auto Ordenar" en la zona cercana a tu perfil, a la derecha de "Cajero") y símbolos si tus cartones están cerca de ser premiados. Cuando estés a punto de cantar tanto "Línea" como "Bingo", en los cartones que hayas comprado, se mostrarán estrellas de diferentes colores que advertirán si te quedan 3 números para el premio (3PB color verde), 2 números (2PB color azul), o un número (1PB color rojo).

4. Verás los premios para cada juego en el área de bote dentro de la sala, debajo del logotipo de YoBingo.

5. En el caso de que haya más de un cartón premiado en el juego, el premio correspondiente se dividirá entre los cartones ganadores y, por lo tanto, los titulares de los mismos. Por ejemplo, si hay 4 cartones premiados, pero un jugador tiene 2 de los cartones ganadores, ese jugador recibirá el 50% del premio por estar en posesión del 50% de los billetes ganadores.

6. Si pierdes tu conexión de Internet mientras que el juego está activo, esta desconexión no afectará al resultado del juego de ninguna manera, el cual continuará. Aunque no puedas ver el progreso del juego durante un tiempo determinado, una vez te vuelvas a conectar podrás acceder a ver si tus cartones han sido premiados o no.

7. Hay un mínimo de 1 minuto entre juego y juego. El promedio de juegos por hora es 13, y el promedio de duración de cada juego es 3,5 minutos.

8. El porcentaje para el jugador en Bingo 90 varía entre 70% y 89%, dependiendo de lo apostado en un juego específico. El porcentaje para el jugador en Bingo 75 varía entre 70% y 90%, dependiendo de lo apostado en un juego específico.

9. Los ganadores de Línea reciben, en la sala SUPER90, el 12,5% del Bote, los de Bingo el 81%. En la SUERTE90, los premios de línea suponen el 14,5% del Bote, los de Bingo el 84,1%. En las salas donde no hay Bote Acumulado, el ganador de Línea recibirá 15% del Bote y el ganador de Bingo 85%

10. Bote de suerte 90.

a. El 1.4% de los aportes de los usuarios cuando el bote está activo se dedicarán al bote progresivo.

b. El bote progresivo contará con un fondo de reserva.

b.1. El 0.5% del aporte del usuario se destinará al fondo de reserva en su fase de crecimiento (el 0.9% se destinará al bote principal en esta fase).

b.2. Cuando el fondo de reserva llegue a 500€, se dejará de aportar a este, y el 1.4% entero se dedicará al bote principal.

b.3. Cuando se gane un bote, el nuevo bote utilizara el fondo de reserva como base.

11. Bote de super 90 y fortuna 90

a. El 6.5% de los aportes de los usuarios cuando el bote está activo se dedicarán al bote progresivo.

b. El bote progresivo contará con un fondo de reserva.

b.1. El 4% del aporte del usuario se destinará al fondo de reserva en su fase de crecimiento (el 2.5% se destinará al bote principal en esta fase).

b.2. Cuando el fondo de reserva llegue a 30.000€, se dejará de aportar a este, el 6.5% entero se dedicará al bote principal.

b.3. Cuando se gana un bote, si el fondo de reserva es de 30.000€, se destinará completo como base al bote principal.

b.4. Si el bote de reserva es mayor a 5000€ y menor a 30.000€, se destinarán 5000€ como base al bote principal.

b.5. Si el bote de reserva es inferior a 5000€ se destinará completo como base al bote principal.

b.6. Super Bote Compartido: El bote de la sala super 90 y fortuna 90 se denomina Super Bote Compartido porque es un bote compartido donde se dividirá entre el ganador del mismo, que se llevará el 50% del bote, y entre todos aquellos jugadores que hayan adquirido al menos un cartón, que se repartirán el 50% restante del bote.

12. Fondo general para botes mínimos garantizados de 50/100/250€.

a. El 2% de los aportes de los usuarios, en la sala super90, suerte90 y fortuna90 se destinará a un fondo de reserva general que será utilizado para los botes mínimos garantizados que tienen 50/100/250€ de base.

b. Únicamente se destinará este monto cuando el aporte total de los usuarios sea igual o superior a 5,6€.

c. El fondo de reserva general podrá alcanzar un valor máximo de 12000€, en caso de alcanzar este valor, dejará de percibir aportes de los usuarios.

d. Al iniciarse un bote mínimo garantizado con base 50/100/250€ se utilizará este fondo de reserva para su constitución inicial.

13. El importe máximo que puede ser ganado en cualquier juego de Bingo es de 150.000 €. Si más del máximo es alcanzado como premio en cualquier juego, la diferencia por encima de ese importe se aportará a un Bote adicional en el siguiente juego.

14. El máximo número de cartones disponible para cualquier Bingo son 24.

15. Cuando cantes Bingo en nuestro juego de 90 bolas en 36 números o menos (sala SUERTE) ó 37 números o menos (sala SUPER o FORTUNA), ganas el gran Bote Acumulado.


Información acerca de los juegos de Tragaperras (V.5):

Las reglas particulares se pueden encontrar en cada uno de los juegos de tragaperras. Las reglas particulares de cada juego así como la información aquí recogida se complementan con el resto de t&c generales de enracha.es que pueden ser consultados en todo momento en https://www.enracha.es/terminos-condiciones/

Estas reglas de juego han sido publicadas en el sitio web enracha.es el 29/08/2017.

Los juegos de tragaperras son operados por Rank Digital Ceuta S.A.U., operador con licencia de juego otorgada por la Dirección General de Ordenación del Juego (DGOJ-Ministerio de Hacienda, Gobierno de España). Rank Digital Ceuta S.A.U. opera el site www.enracha.es.

Podrás contactar con nosotros, por vía telefónica (llamando al teléfono gratuito 800 009 024), por correo electrónico (800 009 024) o por documento postal en la dirección C/Balmes, 268-270, 1a , Barcelona 08006, Cataluña, España.

Cualquier reclamación podrá ser interpuesta en un plazo no superior a 3 meses desde la fecha de juego de la partida sobre la cual se quiere presentar la reclamación.

enracha se compromete a responder dicha reclamación en el menor tiempo posible, siendo el periodo máximo de espera de un mes.

enracha.es apoya el Juego Responsable. Para obtener más información, por favor ver nuestro apartado de juego seguro https://www.enracha.es/juego-seguro/.

En los juegos de tragaperras el valor de cada crédito vendrá determinado en cada juego.

El importe mínimo de las jugadas, según los casos, es de 1 céntimo y el máximo, en algunos casos, es de 30 euros, estando detallado en cada juego el mínimo y el máximo del juego.

La ganancia máxima por partida será de 100.000€

El mal funcionamiento anula todos los pagos y partidas.

El cobro de los premios no caduca pudiendo ser retiradas las ganancias más el dinero depositado en cualquier momento. Los usuarios podrán retirar dinero de acuerdo a los t&c generales de la página.

En caso de interrupción sobrevenida de la sesión el importe de las posibles ganancias se sumará al saldo del participante incluso en los casos en los que éstos no puedan ver el final de la partida.

Los juegos de tragaperras no tienen botes acumulados.

Todos los juegos ofrecidos cuentan con una modalidad de juego automático. La modalidad de juegos automáticos permite al usuario configurar los parámetros iniciales del juego y repetir la jugada automáticamente una cantidad fija y limitada de veces. En los juegos de tragaperras la jugada automática termina cuando se acaban los juegos automáticos o se accede a las rondas de bonus.

Los usuarios podrán ver el historial de juegos accediendo a su perfil. En el historial de juegos podrán ver el histórico de los importes jugados y premios obtenidos en cada sesión, así como el saldo resultante de anteriores sesiones.

Los juegos de tragaperras no cuentan con botes progresivos.

Juego Apuesta mínima Apuesta máxima RTP Teórico RTP Julio RTP Agosto RTP Septiembre RTP Octubre RTP Noviembre RTP Diciembre
1 Of a Kind 0.05€ 200.00€ 95.56% 34.29% 41.21% 90.53% 77.27% 71.63% 2.00%
1000 Wishes 0.10€ 25.00€ 96.27% 111.17% 91.24% 86.67% 98.91% 82.82% 91.70%
10000 Bass Lightning Blitz 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 86.34% 112.77% 182.46% 69.64% 96.81%
10001 Nights 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.73% 66.88% 113.00% 116.11%
10001 Nights MegaWays 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.74% 96.25% 81.60% 88.09% 95.26% 81.43% 75.14%
101 Candies 0.20€ 120.00€ 94.07% 113.46% 75.87% 81.09% 74.78% 113.74% 132.61%
11 Champions 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.93% 87.97% 108.37% 72.98% 48.89% 76.83% 65.23%
11 Coins of Fire 0.20€ 25.00€ 94.24% 73.11% 101.62% 101.65% 79.21% 66.18% 90.71%
11 Enchanting Relics 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.23% 113.64% 88.05% 90.09% 86.23% 89.16% 85.13%
12 Coins 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 88.26% 97.24% 88.46%
12 Masks of Fire Drums 0.20€ 32.00€ 94.00% 89.33% 89.98% 88.89% 95.80% 91.81% 101.67%
15 Coins 0.10€ 10.00€ 96.00% 98.21% 106.10% 82.28% 93.40%
15 Tridents 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.10% 70.07% 57.14% 80.00% 28.00% 48.33%
1524 Golden Quest 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.04% 96.65% 91.24% 93.07% 101.71% 99.54% 129.34%
16 Coins Grand Gold Edition 0.10€ 40.00€ 94.00% 96.22% 69.96% 99.35%
1st of the Irish 0.16€ 14.00€ 94.00% 89.84% 120.46% 91.88%
2 Wild 2 Die 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 74.69% 63.80% 98.24% 60.32% 70.17% 96.68%
20000 Waves 0.20€ 5.00€ 95.00% 109.21% 86.42% 84.17%
25 Coins 0.10€ 40.00€ 94.00% 85.99% 105.80%
25000 Talons 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.03% 104.24% 22.86%
3 Blazing Volcanoes Power Combo 0.20€ 8.00€ 94.00% 92.15% 92.26% 95.09% 97.15% 89.78% 90.73%
3 Buzzing Wilds 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 72.60% 38.84% 88.84% 115.63% 47.43% 75.59%
3 Cherry Frenzy 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 89.49% 93.73% 97.12% 90.41% 82.39% 80.42%
3 Dancing Monkeys 0.30€ 150.00€ 94.00% 93.96% 72.46% 88.72% 105.05% 98.30% 89.75%
3 Devils Pinball 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.70% 81.23% 93.72% 68.44% 96.89% 106.23% 88.06%
3 Genie Wishes 96.47% 107.57% 91.49% 134.58% 78.69% 87.52%
3 Kingdoms: Battle of Red Cliffs 0.25€ 125.00€ 96.50% 57.18% 104.68% 129.97% 95.09% 113.31% 135.38%
3 Lucky Hippos 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 87.15% 93.73% 95.46% 88.96% 91.83% 95.42%
3 Lucky Rainbows 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.16% 110.39% 108.31% 92.77% 85.11% 91.30% 88.75%
3 Pots of Gold 0.22€ 1.88€ 94.00% 99.41%
3 Stellar Bonanza 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 101.08% 92.91% 84.62% 91.86% 92.47%
3 Tiny Gods 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.40% 50.46% 64.48% 88.73% 96.06% 34.91% 50.45%
3 Wizards Mega Fire Blaze 0.10€ 500.00€ 95.00% 90.37% 92.10% 95.70% 96.29% 92.64% 97.26%
30 Coins 0.10€ 60.00€ 94.00% 97.49% 86.09% 90.88%
333 Boom Banks POWER COMBO 0.20€ 8.00€ 94.00% 99.01% 99.46% 98.62%
333 Fat Frogs Power Combo 0.20€ 8.00€ 94.00% 91.56% 90.24% 83.43% 87.64% 98.70% 80.33%
333 Jolly Fat Frogs POWER COMBO 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 95.93% 92.20%
4 Corners Of Rome 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.05% 25.25% 311.04% 24.81% 105.80% 75.90% 123.36%
4 Diamond Blues Megaways 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.40% 99.93% 107.18% 82.67% 91.74% 92.40% 122.94%
4 Seasons 0.30€ 150.00€ 95.30% 181.70% 46.34% 96.67%
40 Fortune Fruits 6 0.30€ 50.00€ 95.43% 53.47% 96.86% 91.25% 92.92% 115.18% 80.06%
40 Wild Fire 6 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.48% 63.18% 153.68% 76.36% 15.81%
5 Frozen Charms Megaways 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.50% 100.77% 101.93% 77.81% 148.99% 64.65% 100.14%
5 Lions 98.56% 73.65% 84.57% 79.32% 101.42% 83.80%
5 Lions Dance 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.50% 94.60% 49.96% 65.92% 48.97% 105.40% 69.05%
5 Lions Gold 0.18€ 90.00€ 96.50% 95.81% 93.97% 93.19% 98.19% 102.32% 88.98%
5 Lions Megaways 0.20€ 0.00€ 96.50% 90.33% 91.68% 98.77% 96.77% 87.42% 94.31%
5 Star Knockout 0.20€ 25.00€ 96.09% 97.44% 77.76% 81.70% 68.78% 71.03% 64.02%
50 Extreme Hot 0.25€ 50.00€ 95.48% 48.62% 62.04% 92.05% 12.65%
6 Jokers 0.05€ 20.00€ 94.00% 83.64% 88.89% 90.48% 88.14% 91.59%
6 Tokens of Gold 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.20% 96.05% 94.98% 97.50% 97.70% 97.68% 96.43%
6 Tokens of Gold Mystery Joker 0.40€ 4.00€ 94.00% 84.97% 86.04% 93.97% 93.04% 88.26% 79.10%
7 Clovers of Fortune 0.25€ 20.00€ 95.44% 91.91% 93.08%
7 Piggies 0.01€ 0.00€ 95.99% 66.62% 87.14% 86.47% 103.60% 87.08% 85.76%
777 Caliente Megaways 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.53% 86.17% 98.23% 97.29% 95.89% 90.86% 90.73%
777 Gold Action Cash 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 85.66% 85.31% 108.17% 80.98%
777 Mega Deluxe 0.20€ 40.00€ 96.10% 97.91% 76.01% 87.05% 92.74% 97.87% 88.46%
777 Rainbow Respins 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.10% 30.38% 57.25% 45.66% 62.44% 71.49%
777 Royal Wheel 0.25€ 75.00€ 94.40% 95.26% 117.94% 72.47% 27.02% 90.36% 74.12%
777 Strike 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.00% 101.95% 79.77% 93.82% 99.66% 81.26% 99.14%
777 Surge 0.40€ 20.00€ 94.00% 59.41% 300.73% 76.00% 87.50% 59.58%
777SuperStrike 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.00% 92.16% 88.11% 109.12% 82.12% 90.77% 90.74%
7s Wild 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.04% 75.75% 66.70% 102.59% 95.79% 91.01% 50.90%
7s Wild Gold 0.25€ 60.00€ 94.00% 84.55% 79.70% 85.10% 85.08% 58.82%
8 Golden Dragon Challenge 0.10€ 11.00€ 94.00% 61.18% 72.89% 89.26% 102.86% 32.13% 57.97%
8 Golden Skulls 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.86% 91.54% 84.62% 80.63% 93.26% 104.65% 92.52%
88 Fortunes 0.08€ 88.00€ 95.93% 90.00% 90.43% 101.56% 103.01% 86.96% 102.47%
88 Fortunes Megaways 0.88€ 88.00€ 94.00% 90.55% 94.34% 95.46% 110.63% 101.51%
9 Bells 0.10€ 60.00€ 96.00% 105.57% 86.34% 80.14%
9 Blazing Diamonds 0.20€ 25.00€ 96.33% 76.57% 79.97% 93.06% 85.54% 89.98% 102.45%
9 Burning Dragons 0.10€ 40.00€ 96.00% 300.00% 103.36% 135.73%
9 Coins Extremely Light 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 84.19% 110.06%
9 Coins Grand Platinum Edition 0.10€ 40.00€ 96.00% 96.56% 96.19% 90.57% 98.11%
9 Enchanted Beans 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 101.29% 45.03% 45.98% 127.19% 108.99% 64.29%
9 Lions 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.00% 84.97% 94.31% 85.87% 103.20%
9 Mad Hats 0.20€ 60.00€ 94.06% 127.81% 62.55%
9 Masks of fire 0.20€ 240.00€ 96.24% 95.59% 95.52% 98.36% 99.86% 94.98% 106.56%
9 Masks of Fire HyperSpins 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.10% 100.21% 99.30% 112.77% 101.41% 91.30% 92.11%
9 Pots of Gold 95.29% 96.17% 94.88% 100.96% 93.82% 97.24%
9 Pots of Gold HyperSpins 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.60% 83.56% 135.52% 102.73% 100.41% 33.33%
9 Pots of Gold Land and Win 0.10€ 25.00€ 94.00% 80.55% 90.89% 86.81% 78.31% 85.25%
9 skull of gold 0.20€ 125.00€ 96.33% 109.63% 96.09% 90.07% 85.27% 115.90% 87.84%
99 Time Camion de Helados 0.20€ 400.00€ 95.20% 90.19% 14.40% 34.71% 173.82% 100.04% 45.95%
99 Time Camion de Helados Mobile 0.02€ 15.00€ 95.01% 79.05% 145.30% 105.80% 134.79% 94.11% 66.80%
99 time JP 0.01€ 25.00€ 89.96% 97.19% 2120.00% 115.81% 60.56% 76.95% 92.51%
99time JP 1.00€ 2500.00€ 90.00% 101.94% 93.21% 88.10% 92.45% 83.25% 85.32%
A Christmas Full of Wilds 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 93.94%
A Fistful of Wilds 0.20€ 60.00€ 95.20% 47.06% 63.83% 196.25% 52.96% 16.55%
A Night Out 0.01€ 97.06% 75.01% 90.01% 78.04% 117.58% 108.25% 94.14%
A Tale of elves 0.30€ 12.00€ 95.07% 104.75% 91.24% 60.94% 245.05% 274.70% 110.26%
Abigail Ratchfords 0.30€ 6.00€ 93.13% 41.78% 111.12% 39.38% 74.56% 49.59% 73.24%
AbraCatDabra 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.29% 84.51% 85.99% 133.48% 83.80% 88.28% 138.68%
Absolutely Mammoth Power Play 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.47% 169.28% 171.47% 153.75% 91.64% 55.64% 90.60%
Action Boost 3 Lucky Rainbows 0.20€ 16.00€ 94.00% 94.49% 57.50% 62.92% 95.84% 91.72% 84.75%
Action Boost Amber Island 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.20% 98.63% 82.12% 100.04% 85.62% 99.40% 80.69%
Action Boost Christmas 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 94.18%
Action Boost Gladiator 0.20€ 16.00€ 94.00% 88.50% 84.02% 116.87% 152.69% 86.42% 99.94%
Action Boost Max Dragons Cache 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 90.87% 102.06% 78.77%
Action Boost Tiki Treasures 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 97.44% 78.11% 57.16% 70.92% 113.65% 73.31%
Action Cash Ras Riches 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 68.79% 116.51% 124.22% 59.82% 55.14% 44.44%
Action Jack 0.01€ 2000.00€ 92.34% 92.87% 80.98% 99.01% 110.23% 112.95% 73.92%
Action Joker 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.12% 87.03% 100.73% 104.76% 73.37% 93.36% 108.10%
Adventure PIGGYPAYS El Dorado 0.20€ 12.00€ 94.00% 55.73% 45.99% 53.69% 48.20% 61.03% 90.11%
Adventures of Doubloon Island 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.02% 129.19% 72.88% 72.14% 86.31% 95.31% 87.43%
Aeropuerto 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 35.61% 68.39% 62.76% 96.34% 83.09% 83.26%
Africa X UP 0.30€ 100.00€ 96.37% 70.65% 384.96% 33.03% 59.27% 142.68% 61.09%
Africa Zero 0.20€ 15.00€ 94.00% 41.05% 72.40% 127.83% 2.45%
African Elephant 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.03% 53.65% 102.92% 62.38% 129.93% 70.35% 72.61%
African Simba 0.01€ 125.00€ 95.20% 132.00% 64.90% 58.52% 43.46% 77.65%
Age of Beasts Infinity Reels 0.25€ 50.00€ 94.00% 89.80% 106.20% 109.68% 245.88% 83.53%
Age of Conquest 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00% 78.08% 85.77% 99.20% 76.60% 95.14% 91.37%
Age Of Egypt 0.01€ 100.00€ 97.50% 110.03% 95.21% 92.56% 97.14% 100.00% 95.71%
Age of Olympus Apollo 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.00% 116.51% 101.85% 86.64% 76.67%
Age of the Gods Apollo Power 0.25€ 20.00€ 96.47% 88.79% 89.22% 82.61% 93.96% 92.73% 90.66%
AGE OF THE GODS CASH COLLECT 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 98.90% 88.88% 93.40% 89.86% 103.79%
Age of the Gods Epic Troy 0.30€ 20.00€ 96.45% 77.27% 102.56% 96.48% 106.05% 62.67% 83.70%
Age Of The Gods Furious Four 0.01€ 20.00€ 94.87% 86.05% 84.97% 84.43% 92.24% 91.07% 96.89%
Age of the Gods Glorious Griffin 0.20€ 25.00€ 95.06% 101.09% 109.50% 93.80% 79.18% 89.69% 81.37%
Age of the Gods God of Storms 0.01€ 100.00€ 96.14% 88.94% 96.62% 92.90%
Age of the Gods God of Storms II 0.01€ 50.00€ 96.14% 96.67% 94.84% 89.15% 82.64% 103.33% 111.46%
Age Of The Gods God of Storms III 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.81% 94.24% 90.51% 89.74% 85.52% 87.98% 95.91%
Age Of The Gods Helios 0.10€ 400.00€ 94.98% 101.88% 90.05% 91.39% 87.10% 97.15% 90.95%
Age of the Gods Keno 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 77.46% 94.19% 105.21% 73.35% 80.19% 74.65%
Age Of The Gods King of Olympus 0.01€ 20.00€ 94.98% 97.91% 97.25% 92.05% 104.84% 91.06% 78.04%
AGE OF THE GODS KING OF OLYMPUS FIRE BLAZE XTREME 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 118.88% 96.83% 91.12% 102.55%
Age of the Gods Maze Keeper Ways Boost 0.10€ 200.00€ 95.99% 98.22% 94.71% 100.98% 95.16% 94.65% 85.39%
Age of the Gods Mighty Midas 0.01€ 20.00€ 96.34% 92.15% 94.11% 83.63% 98.28% 93.38% 109.16%
Age Of The Gods Prince of Olympus 0.01€ 20.00€ 93.83% 85.64% 102.21% 89.79% 83.33% 112.05% 97.74%
Age Of The Gods Ruler of the Sky 0.01€ 20.00€ 90.05% 98.76% 95.15% 92.78% 92.44% 90.85% 102.35%
Age of the Gods Wheels of Olympus 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.13% 97.11% 91.43% 96.44% 98.08% 105.81% 88.06%
Age of the Gods Wonder Warriors 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.44% 126.30% 83.01% 63.44% 96.93% 87.42% 95.64%
Agent Blitz Mission Money Maker 0.20€ 25.00€ 94.25% 112.10% 75.65% 65.53% 35.74% 126.18%
Agent Jane Blonde Max Volume 0.25€ 25.00€ 94.00% 86.41% 63.28% 88.88% 87.92% 97.14% 72.11%
Agent Jane Blonde Returns 91.80% 96.10% 84.50% 86.86% 85.63% 88.37%
Ainhoa 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 61.21% 57.00% 81.21% 72.78% 68.02% 59.82%
Aladdin and the Sorcerer 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.23% 96.30% 147.84% 27.22% 74.45% 162.42% 46.36%
Alchemy Fortunes 84.05% 240.07% 73.88% 27.50% 71.56% 43.35%
Alchemy Ways 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.00% 99.53% 168.39%
Alexander The Great World Conqueror 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.75% 91.42% 90.73% 65.42% 130.89% 69.71% 78.46%
Alice in WildLand 0.20€ 6.00€ 96.33% 26.52%
Alice in WildLand Mobile 0.20€ 6.00€ 96.33% 80.40% 70.27% 37.20% 86.72% 95.00% 117.68%
Aliya’s Wishes 0.10€ 60.00€ 96.50% 86.77% 98.26% 101.85% 93.16% 81.46% 105.19%
Alkemors Elements 0.25€ 200.00€ 95.45% 57.89% 67.94% 41.88%
Alkemors Tower 0.30€ 150.00€ 94.64% 86.18% 72.81% 76.22% 94.45% 55.54% 38.79%
All About the Bass 0.25€ 10.00€ 94.00% 91.32% 92.02% 99.78% 98.69% 93.26% 94.26%
All Sports 0.10€ 80.00€ 96.15% 109.44% 36.63% 33.34% 7.57% 19.32%
All Win FC 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.12% 91.24% 101.39% 92.00% 102.44% 94.60% 93.03%
Almighty Aztec 0.10€ 500.00€ 96.38% 82.06% 116.21% 63.35% 119.82% 94.51% 81.62%
Aloha 0.20€ 25.00€ 96.10% 81.37% 95.35% 83.13% 90.94% 107.75% 94.67%
Aloha Christmas 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.00% 99.96% 88.72% 93.11% 92.65% 93.86% 90.87%
Alohawaii Cash Collect 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.87% 88.66% 97.07% 83.56% 91.56% 90.04% 97.95%
Alpha Eagle 0.10€ 200.00€ 96.26% 96.93% 90.64% 384.88% 169.38% 17.70% 7.73%
Amarna Miller Cleopatra 0.20€ 25.00€ 85.00% 106.67%
Amazing Catch Power Combo 0.20€ 12.50€ 94.00% 88.53% 97.26% 91.43% 94.86% 90.27%
Amazing Legends 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 92.70% 85.93% 83.72% 80.12% 78.45% 92.53%
Amazing Legends Lucky Devils 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 87.70% 92.21% 91.50% 97.91% 91.29% 95.33%
Amazing Legends Perseus 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 84.70% 88.78%
Amazing Link Apollo 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.40% 98.72% 105.57% 94.85% 94.39% 87.07% 91.28%
Amazing Link Athena 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 84.46% 97.74% 96.27% 98.90%
Amazing Link Christmas 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 74.93% 54.92% 89.97% 92.18% 73.72% 97.58%
Amazing Link Fates 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.33% 66.14% 43.33% 99.26% 116.41% 127.03% 63.54%
Amazing Link Frenzy 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 89.35% 92.16% 104.43% 94.88% 84.12% 102.22%
Amazing Link Hades 0.20€ 62.50€ 94.20% 89.20% 105.10% 78.88% 100.92% 116.44% 81.45%
Amazing Link Medusa 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 93.37% 103.58% 94.95% 90.60% 92.27% 92.12%
Amazing Link Poseidon 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.16% 88.25% 34.89% 69.17% 99.05% 118.18% 75.61%
Amazing Link Riches 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.33% 82.09% 95.55% 93.15% 97.48% 98.83% 96.49%
Amazing Link Zeus 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.33% 89.45% 96.48% 106.80% 97.45% 95.63% 96.89%
Amazing Link Zeus Epic 4 0.50€ 50.00€ 94.00% 100.96% 81.60% 84.07% 85.34% 86.83% 80.75%
Amazing Link: Apollo 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.40% 86.14% 55.80% 809.33%
Amazing Money Machinea 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.42% 86.46% 82.49% 76.18% 83.95% 87.85% 94.30%
Amazing Stars 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 78.89% 18.75% 87.65% 32.61%
Amazon Kingdom 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.21% 112.71% 95.03% 105.93% 102.48% 125.63% 94.95%
Amber Sterlings Mystic Shrine 0.20€ 96.31% 77.12% 81.98% 98.20% 100.48% 98.15% 95.60%
American Outlaw 10K Way 0.20€ 5.00€ 94.00% 89.66%
American Triple Gold 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 94.36% 83.63% 102.80% 101.62%
Ammit Arctic Freeze Power Combo 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 89.42%
Ammit Treasure 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 87.59% 93.66% 85.04% 89.14% 88.12%
Anaconda Uncoiled 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.94% 50.44% 93.14% 64.26% 49.34% 50.40% 105.83%
Anaconda Wild II 0.25€ 50.00€ 96.47% 31.00%
Ancient Disco 0.20€ 4.00€ 95.75% 82.94% 90.90% 89.00% 118.64% 66.85% 102.81%
Ancient Egypt 0.01€ 0.00€ 96.13% 71.70% 102.24% 57.19% 72.19% 101.28% 88.91%
Ancient Egypt Classic 121.52% 55.76% 202.19% 62.09% 75.91% 43.60%
Ancient Fortunes Minotaur Rising 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 90.24% 86.84% 77.08% 80.69% 108.91%
Ancient Fortunes: Poseidon 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.98% 99.76% 97.84% 90.01% 98.44% 82.24% 95.91%
Ancient Fortunes: Zeus 0.10€ 140.00€ 96.02% 98.18% 90.71% 118.55% 128.99% 87.94% 101.63%
Ancient Script 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.23% 96.13% 112.23% 86.56% 25.52% 173.53% 116.98%
Ancient Warriors 0.20€ 115.00€ 96.00% 100.60% 82.01% 57.76% 62.62% 63.22% 110.16%
Anderthals 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.12% 76.57% 95.57% 31.35% 106.85% 234.51% 94.99%
ANDVARI THE GOLDEN FISH 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 81.53% 68.60% 96.22% 62.23%
Andy & Lucas 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 12.37% 48.82% 16.94% 61.95% 135.71% 34.91%
Angel vs Sinner 0.10€ 6.00€ 94.00% 81.12% 92.55% 74.91%
Animal Instinct 0.08€ 240.00€ 95.51% 94.18% 85.05% 93.19% 88.27% 102.91% 92.19%
Animals of Africa 0.20€ 12.00€ 96.18% 63.95% 152.81% 71.37% 51.81% 50.71% 56.02%
Anubis gold 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.90% 45.57% 33.33% 70.92% 24.60% 13.46%
Anubis Wild Megaways 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.20% 74.81% 68.85% 78.73% 49.36%
AOTG Book of Oracle 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.48% 87.05% 100.72% 109.91% 83.17% 70.70% 96.68%
Apache Way 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.75% 43.76% 68.59% 95.75% 86.37% 98.64% 97.75%
Apollo God of the Sun 97.17% 88.10% 73.41% 77.02% 97.64% 111.16% 102.95%
Apollo Pays 0.20€ 2.00€ 96.56% 54.36% 317.38% 61.91% 270.38% 68.33% 79.17%
Aquatic Treasures 76.52% 82.18% 28.49% 90.66% 53.44% 71.63%
Aquatic Treasures Coast 2 Coast 0.10€ 300.00€ 96.06% 86.11% 73.64% 10.00% 28.83%
Arabian 0.01€ 30.00€ 90.00% 86.69% 89.57% 89.31% 86.62% 83.26% 82.16%
Arabian Wins 0.20€ 15.00€ 94.00% 52.50% 91.38% 60.17% 74.35% 65.40%
Aramis Fuster la Bruja 0.20€ 10.00€ 90.00% 54.06% 121.93% 46.56% 78.56% 89.57% 61.50%
Arcade Bomb 0.25€ 31.25€ 95.50% 75.89% 91.43% 99.72% 101.68% 106.35% 115.13%
Archangels 0.40€ 20.00€ 96.08% 95.23% 115.86% 56.55% 78.83% 98.07% 63.29%
Arctic Enchantres 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.16% 83.14% 82.87% 89.75% 74.69% 113.15% 83.44%
Area Blast Double Bass 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 119.06% 94.53% 566.50% 45.85% 81.67% 86.20%
Area Cash Thor 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 83.67% 77.32% 81.54% 103.42% 95.03% 88.94%
Area Link Dragon 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 91.56% 95.14% 90.10% 88.52% 96.25% 91.13%
Area Link Luck 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 92.62% 118.80% 110.56% 98.00% 77.51% 90.37%
Area Link Luck 4 Lucky Charms 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 97.58% 88.89%
Area link Phoenix 0.20€ 4.00€ 94.17% 92.87% 93.38% 87.03% 93.21% 92.25% 92.81%
Area Link Piggy Bank 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 89.25% 94.61% 135.50% 104.08% 74.84% 90.32%
Area Link Scarab Riches 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 98.11% 105.04% 97.84% 91.61% 86.55%
Area Surge City of Gold 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 89.15% 95.14% 91.60% 96.21% 90.88% 92.70%
Arena of Gold 87.41% 83.01% 100.96% 115.47% 77.99% 100.73%
Arévalo 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.00% 90.57% 54.98% 56.06% 50.88% 60.54% 51.20%
Armageddon Megaways 0.20€ 8.00€ 96.00% 97.54% 97.13% 97.04% 92.53%
Arthurs Gold 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.19% 309.87% 353.13% 93.18%
Ascension: Rise to Riches 0.20€ 120.00€ 96.24% 93.31% 82.76% 239.30% 98.02% 101.69% 107.85%
Asgard 0.01€ 0.00€ 96.48% 83.61% 74.96% 102.62% 100.44% 118.07% 79.20%
Asgardian fire 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 166.28% 104.95% 95.51% 86.50% 84.08% 90.04%
Asgardian Stones 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.31% 95.16% 92.96% 69.89% 97.27% 115.34% 79.55%
Ashoka 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 72.35% 69.89% 134.25% 87.67% 77.16% 77.88%
Ashoka Eternal 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 88.43% 79.59% 95.48% 90.59% 112.12% 92.70%
Assasin Moon Hyper Hold 0.10€ 20.00€ 96.08% 100.76% 101.70% 85.47% 77.62% 91.82% 95.17%
Astronaut 0.10€ 5.00€ 94.72% 47.71% 52.50% 34.29% 24.44% 35.71% 52.65%
Astros 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.70% 99.44% 75.09% 84.67% 76.89% 89.79% 87.39%
Atlantis Power Combo 0.20€ 8.00€ 94.22% 82.35% 98.61% 68.07% 87.16% 83.77% 77.98%
Atlantis Rising 0.20€ 96.30% 76.52% 92.13% 99.56% 67.40% 110.35% 111.19%
Atlantis: The Forgotten Kingdom 0.20€ 30.00€ 96.19% 115.34% 101.56% 89.22% 80.07% 63.37% 104.23%
Atrapa el Gusano 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.54% 94.90% 94.62% 93.15% 98.29% 93.03% 95.63%
Attack on Retro 0.10€ 80.00€ 95.58% 55.32% 92.39% 84.26% 49.58% 201.07% 70.32%
Augustus 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00% 99.16% 84.75% 83.29% 105.04% 73.69% 102.37%
Aurah Ruiz Diosa Jade 0.25€ 25.00€ 95.23% 73.28% 97.41% 101.52% 93.99% 95.45% 83.12%
Aureus 0.20€ 80.00€ 96.00% 54.19% 42.78% 72.29% 98.79% 96.25% 66.75%
Aurora Beast Hunter 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.27% 84.57% 39.94% 78.89% 62.07% 78.93% 28.56%
Auto Clasica Ruleta 0.20€ 25.00€ 97.30% 127.49% 40.03% 88.20% 104.57% 95.25% 133.08%
Auto VIP Ruleta 0.20€ 25.00€ 97.30% 99.57% 129.15% 113.52% 121.19% 42.66% 129.19%
Auto VIP XL Ruleta 0.20€ 25.00€ 97.30% 109.79% 69.15% 100.72% 104.49% 103.35% 91.37%
Auto XL Ruleta 0.20€ 25.00€ 97.30% 93.26% 92.52% 77.79% 88.09% 62.46% 95.60%
Avalancha Salvaje 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 75.53% 100.18%
Aztec Blaze 0.25€ 125.00€ 94.50% 134.33% 105.21% 105.90% 62.84% 22.01% 138.08%
Aztec Bonanza 0.30€ 150.00€ 96.53% 106.25% 19.58% 106.03% 97.24% 24.60% 57.98%
Aztec Falls 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.08% 38.19%
Aztec Gems 0.50€ 100.00€ 94.52% 153.11% 88.95% 90.26% 117.74% 102.92% 78.85%
Aztec Gems Deluxe 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00% 81.83% 85.59% 93.13% 52.64% 78.29% 46.66%
Aztec Powernudge 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.00% 95.06% 101.61% 98.75% 90.21% 77.48% 80.64%
Aztec Treasure Hunt 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 84.89% 149.41% 74.44% 83.03%
Aztec Twist 0.20€ 500.00€ 96.30% 108.68% 19.95% 50.84% 77.95% 334.56% 84.57%
Azteca Bonus Lines 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.93% 19.50% 4.00% 57.39% 110.99% 98.43%
Azteca Bonus Lines Power Play 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.10% 101.27% 92.19% 65.70% 106.32% 82.49% 93.92%
Azteca Cash Collect 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.43% 91.25% 79.96% 106.24% 98.70% 91.33% 84.39%
B Jones in Session 0.25€ 25.00€ 85.80% 110.34% 22.71% 41.33% 41.81% 39.20%
Babylon Riches 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 104.74% 78.72% 96.87% 87.73% 90.62%
Back To Venus 0.10€ 200.00€ 96.13% 142.95% 57.86% 59.78% 330.00%
Badge Blitz 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 116.31% 88.55% 105.14%
Balloonies 0.01€ 3000.00€ 92.40% 83.83% 75.63% 53.61% 80.62% 63.62% 63.05%
Bamboo Wilds 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 99.35% 59.18%
Banana Drop 0.15€ 15.00€ 96.70% 95.94% 109.17% 101.40% 84.78% 101.86% 99.03%
Bananaz 10K Ways 0.20€ 12.00€ 94.00% 92.72% 138.88%
Bang Bang 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 85.47%
Bank Vault 0.20€ 25.00€ 96.33% 96.19% 97.72% 90.69% 83.57% 98.18% 106.15%
Bar Slot 0.05€ 96.55% 84.90% 67.42% 104.28% 82.56% 73.70% 61.38%
Barn Festival 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.46% 33.64% 28.44% 11.50%
Barnyard Megahays Megaways 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.00% 102.09% 79.73% 70.79% 168.08% 101.43% 66.25%
Barragan 0.20€ 15.00€ 90.00% 102.94% 121.94% 67.82% 94.94% 45.63% 64.74%
Barragan En Laponia 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 61.76%
Basketball Star 0.50€ 125.00€ 96.45% 171.02% 61.66% 48.89% 55.74% 47.25% 76.82%
Bass Boss 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.70% 92.79% 93.35% 88.00% 96.78% 83.70% 90.40%
Bass Cash Christmas X UP 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 93.15%
Bass Cash X UP 0.20€ 5.00€ 94.00% 91.99% 93.18% 90.87% 93.21%
Bat Stax 0.20€ 200.00€ 95.19% 51.31% 93.72% 53.46% 148.29% 67.00% 86.18%
Beach Invaders 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.09% 68.04% 34.52% 60.24% 8.48% 66.38% 34.54%
Beam Boys 0.10€ 8.00€ 94.00% 59.55% 161.33% 101.74% 76.11% 65.27% 60.75%
Beanstalk Bonanza 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 92.34%
Bears Make Bank Power Combo 0.20€ 12.00€ 94.00% 90.44% 72.60% 96.13% 96.93%
Beast Below 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 82.01% 83.81% 72.07% 65.77% 88.34% 109.77%
Beat The Bobbies 0.25€ 50.00€ 95.00% 92.15% 91.07% 102.64% 92.12% 100.02% 82.03%
Beef Lightning Megaways 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.24% 147.93% 86.52% 61.40% 124.44% 39.15% 99.12%
Beez Kneez 1.00€ 2500.00€ 95.39% 90.69% 98.08% 89.44% 89.31% 86.76% 89.78%
Benny the Beer 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 36.35% 40.16% 47.77% 63.44% 56.74% 276.10%
Berry Berry Bonanza 0.01€ 10.00€ 95.99% 85.09% 101.93% 97.61% 94.25% 92.07% 82.09%
Berry Burst 0.10€ 20.00€ 96.56% 92.74% 87.94% 75.92% 79.37% 107.71% 89.62%
Better Wilds 0.05€ 25.00€ 96.42% 74.88% 104.12%
Beware The Deep Megaways 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.00% 86.45% 92.30% 98.41% 66.73% 114.16% 104.24%
Big Bang Boom 0.25€ 20.00€ 95.00% 93.98% 96.68% 97.16% 96.36% 75.25% 112.49%
Big Bass Amazon Xtreme 0.10€ 250.00€ 96.00% 94.05% 107.27% 86.76% 94.63% 101.71% 92.54%
Big Bass Bonanza 0.10€ 250.00€ 96.71% 95.99% 96.66% 94.31% 95.28% 97.27% 93.65%
Big Bass Bonanza Keeping it reel 0.10€ 375.00€ 94.07% 89.52% 92.78% 85.16% 94.67% 88.68% 99.79%
Big Bass Bonanza Megaways 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.62% 105.21% 87.20% 87.90% 99.89% 78.77% 86.90%
Big Bass Bonanza Reel Action 0.10€ 47.00€ 95.00% 89.17% 89.20% 82.95% 91.46% 93.75% 95.07%
Big Bass Christmas Bash 0.20€ 24.00€ 94.00% 85.70% 90.57% 89.04% 96.58% 84.49% 97.44%
Big bass Crash 0.10€ 30.00€ 96.00% 97.47% 99.76% 86.03% 95.07% 89.90% 93.95%
Big Bass Day at the Races 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 98.61% 114.52% 93.39% 105.68% 82.55% 76.18%
Big Bass Floats My Boat 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.00% 91.84% 87.21% 91.57% 96.59% 98.03% 99.65%
Big Bass Halloween 0.10€ 45.00€ 94.00% 85.06% 92.64% 92.66% 91.56% 88.72% 90.28%
Big Bass Halloween 2 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 100.37% 119.51% 92.40%
Big Bass Hold and Spinner 0.10€ 250.00€ 94.07% 104.91% 97.44% 89.83% 90.74% 88.46% 99.98%
Big Bass Hold and Spinner Megaways 0.20€ 4.00€ 94.62% 87.36% 87.81% 92.96% 78.17% 83.87% 92.76%
Big Bass Mission Fishin 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 95.41% 85.71% 90.64% 91.35% 86.60% 97.61%
Big Bass Secrets of the Golden Lake 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.00% 88.30% 94.70% 89.65% 95.37% 102.06% 85.74%
Big Bass Splash 0.10€ 250.00€ 94.60% 93.97% 93.57% 91.24% 92.21% 89.77% 98.22%
Big Bass Vegas Double Down Deluxe 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 96.07% 92.59% 92.78%
Big Bass Xmas Xtreme 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 90.00%
Big Bonus 0.20€ 8.00€ 95.61% 96.87% 98.57% 91.90% 93.08% 94.78% 89.21%
Big Boom Riches 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.06% 123.10% 83.01% 89.54% 97.18% 98.78% 146.81%
Big Bucks Bandits Megaways 0.20€ 25.00€ 94.00% 95.93% 96.52% 97.62% 96.07% 114.88%
Big Burger Load 0.10€ 30.00€ 95.00% 94.26% 94.03% 127.29% 68.12% 94.76% 69.87%
Big Buzz 0.20€ 15.00€ 94.00% 92.43% 88.69% 90.52% 83.06% 75.00% 93.06%
Big Egyptian Fortune 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.80% 76.53% 26.45% 110.98% 190.24% 130.59% 21.51%
Big Fishing Fortune 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.83% 89.89% 93.29% 45.56% 87.04% 88.41% 36.84%
Big Juan 0.40€ 20.00€ 94.60% 106.02% 81.51% 84.71% 88.69% 79.64% 87.08%
Big Money Wheel 0.20€ 8.00€ 95.00% 93.54% 84.20% 93.61% 81.55% 97.32% 90.34%
Big Piggy Bonus 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 297.31% 33.15% 80.00% 37.50%
Big Scary Fortune 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.00% 87.04% 90.14% 97.28%
Big Size Fishin 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 92.31% 88.52% 68.68% 92.44%
Big Spin Bonus 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 93.09% 84.20% 95.68% 116.19% 69.49% 94.27%
Big Wheel Bonus 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 66.77% 97.59% 66.59% 26.23% 258.07% 104.45%
Bigger Bass Blizzard Christmas Catch 0.12€ 20.00€ 94.07% 103.73% 116.91% 83.46% 92.10% 99.23% 90.35%
Bigger Bass Bonanza 0.12€ 24.00€ 94.62% 91.96% 94.99% 97.50% 91.38% 99.30% 97.23%
Bigger Size Fishin 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.00% 91.04% 84.68% 88.66%
Bingo Billions 0.25€ 250.00€ 95.04% 98.35% 84.08% 92.24% 102.32% 89.49% 98.01%
Bingote 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.09% 91.62% 91.63% 90.64% 90.00% 92.22% 81.87%
Bison Boom 0.20€ 9.00€ 94.00% 91.53% 84.09% 94.71% 84.69% 84.14% 85.54%
Bison Moon Megaways 0.20€ 8.00€ 94.00% 95.48% 108.10% 105.15%
Bison Moon Ultra Link and Win 0.10€ 8.00€ 94.00% 78.92% 105.38% 104.43% 98.15% 79.15% 84.40%
Black Bull 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.24% 93.26% 90.33% 93.97% 93.71% 91.89% 102.88%
Black Lagoon 0.20€ 4.00€ 96.47% 41.89% 101.52% 86.50% 112.84% 79.67% 58.85%
Blackjack Cashback 1.00€ 5.00€ 99.55% 96.94% 95.72% 96.60% 95.14% 95.07% 93.23%
Blackjack Switch 1.00€ 500.00€ 99.92% 93.05% 78.64% 80.57% 100.09% 80.80% 102.15%
Blade and Fangs 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 81.62% 81.54% 73.68% 82.67% 72.02% 128.05%
Blazing Bison Gold Blitz 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 56.42% 76.12% 95.71% 86.64% 102.05% 100.62%
Blazing Bison Gold Blitz Extreme 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 86.74% 84.48%
Blazing Mammoth 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.24% 89.82% 84.60% 90.12% 102.46% 100.42% 88.44%
Blazing Mammoth XL 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 102.64% 77.65% 62.99% 127.88% 74.01% 97.32%
Blazing Piranhas Lock and Win 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.02% 80.06% 88.05% 94.69% 64.90% 22.47% 77.07%
Blazing Wilds Megaways 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.00% 90.78% 70.75% 87.05% 124.62% 77.05% 76.27%
Bling Bling Penguin 0.20€ 20.00€ 93.91% 86.35% 113.77% 104.25% 88.03% 82.89% 94.85%
Bling Bling Penguin Ice On The Beach 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 91.16% 89.37% 125.82% 74.01% 112.40%
Blobsters Clusterbuster 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.70% 74.03% 79.23% 85.80% 81.74% 81.93% 71.12%
Blockchain Megaways 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 88.13% 130.29%
Blood Suckers 2 0.25€ 25.00€ 96.94% 70.86% 93.07% 93.65% 89.05% 98.98% 90.86%
Blood Suckers Megaways 0.10€ 4.00€ 94.68% 74.18% 76.14% 95.55% 80.78% 86.37% 94.07%
Bloodthirst 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.23% 52.33% 74.63% 79.63% 113.26% 55.53% 65.82%
Blue Wizard Megaways 0.10€ 96.48% 95.47% 93.12% 97.81% 94.06% 99.85% 94.53%
Bolt X UP 0.10€ 5.00€ 94.04% 44.43% 67.12% 186.15% 59.07% 54.19%
Bomb Bonanza 0.25€ 125.00€ 94.50% 179.91% 59.22% 112.43% 20.00%
Bonanza 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.98% 87.31% 116.19% 87.63% 103.71% 94.80% 97.58%
Bonanza Rush Express 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 87.76% 95.18%
Bondi Break 0.25€ 100.00€ 95.50% 40.00% 61.77% 65.00% 60.73%
Bonnys Treasures 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 86.71% 100.96% 93.99% 87.60% 87.02%
Bonus Fruits 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 29.54% 14.18% 250.59% 54.61%
Book of Atem 0.10€ 25.00€ 96.45% 87.96% 99.91% 80.78% 93.30% 95.84% 82.12%
Book Of Darkness 0.10€ 20.00€ 96.48% 146.42% 67.69% 62.48% 110.73% 40.27% 69.05%
Book of Fusion 0.10€ 35.00€ 95.97% 89.79% 83.64% 70.56% 113.77% 103.53% 70.82%
Book of Golden Sands 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.05% 95.51% 80.31% 89.01% 76.93% 82.44% 88.90%
Book of Heroes 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.06% 60.74% 128.94% 89.60% 68.28% 74.82% 38.42%
Book Of Inti 0.10€ 40.00€ 96.06% 69.77% 74.13% 92.83% 70.06% 478.80% 74.01%
Book of King Arthur 0.20€ 500.00€ 96.15% 71.82% 95.83% 96.74% 97.99% 60.73% 237.24%
Book of Kingdoms 0.25€ 250.00€ 96.71% 89.22% 100.01% 72.50% 86.76% 90.88% 83.88%
Book of Kings 0.10€ 6.00€ 96.64% 95.81% 99.13% 91.12% 94.49% 82.06% 97.09%
Book of Mrs Claus 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.50% 83.49% 67.32% 53.77% 135.92% 93.50% 94.65%
Book of Oz 0.10€ 25.00€ 96.50% 86.06% 91.68% 98.35% 99.57% 102.06% 97.03%
Book of Oz Lock N Spin 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.35% 93.07% 99.27% 80.47% 66.69% 82.19% 91.90%
Book of Poseidon 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00%
Book of Ra - Temple of Gold 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.28% 119.59% 101.40% 77.06% 93.45% 81.26% 99.78%
Book of Ra Classic 97.48% 90.48% 95.88% 95.99% 93.67% 100.13%
Book of Ra Deluxe 0.02€ 20.00€ 95.10% 71.56% 101.08% 94.40% 86.50% 60.07% 79.77%
Book of Ra Deluxe 10 0.20€ 200.00€ 95.02% 90.96% 104.41% 83.33% 95.01% 92.38% 80.87%
Book of Ra Deluxe 10 Win Ways 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.15% 46.19%
Book of Ra deluxe 10 Win Ways Buy Bonus 0.20€ 2000.00€ 95.15% 343.13% 64.45% 61.19% 99.01% 75.42% 68.04%
Book of Ra deluxe 6 95.10% 117.26% 126.69% 104.96% 72.87% 78.41% 96.90%
Book of Ra Magic 0.02€ 20.00€ 95.03% 91.76% 91.86% 96.16% 88.14% 108.89% 100.86%
Book of Slingo 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.37% 91.38% 92.86% 95.20% 94.25% 86.54% 97.18%
Book Of the Irish 0.10€ 20.00€ 96.21% 82.62% 70.68% 68.21% 60.95% 81.57% 55.90%
Book Of The Sphinx 0.01€ 500.00€ 92.28% 120.70% 44.49% 65.04% 118.76% 140.43% 37.85%
Book of TIme 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.34% 98.47% 108.07% 90.63% 36.93% 40.57% 80.46%
Book of Toro 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 97.52% 94.15% 95.99%
Book of Tut Megaways 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 89.15% 97.79% 88.33% 95.43% 99.85% 87.68%
Book of Unseen 0.10€ 5.00€ 94.00% 97.32% 89.06%
Book of Vikings 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.50% 98.12% 79.71% 92.77% 71.61% 81.74% 79.56%
Boom Pirates 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.19% 118.12% 116.82% 48.53% 110.65% 91.72% 94.66%
Boom Pirates Fight For Gold 0.20€ 5.00€ 94.00% 107.17% 91.01% 83.62%
Born Wild 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.25% 42.87% 133.90% 77.04% 61.92% 92.21% 82.11%
Bouncy Balls 2 0.01€ 12.50€ 95.00% 94.14% 90.75% 91.37% 85.76% 96.09% 87.58%
Bouncy Bombs 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 92.15% 41.81% 153.42% 64.52% 72.40% 140.20%
Bounty Gold 0.25€ 12.50€ 94.51% 74.39% 106.46% 112.10% 78.95% 88.75% 78.41%
Bounty Hunt Reloaded 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00%
Bounty O Bucks 0.20€ 8.00€ 94.00% 87.88% 101.47% 74.01% 163.49%
Bounty Raid 2 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.70% 75.95% 82.66% 52.95% 95.99% 105.36% 121.90%
Bow of Artemis 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 83.40% 91.48% 72.16% 92.50% 117.39%
Bowling 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 115.05% 75.79% 82.83% 81.69% 77.61% 95.19%
Breach the vault 0.05€ 100.00€ 94.00% 87.42% 87.71% 82.71% 103.91% 86.05% 84.47%
Break Away Lucky Wilds 0.88€ 8.80€ 96.89% 67.38% 89.44% 84.13% 81.20% 100.33% 46.30%
Break Bones 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.14% 46.89% 92.47% 45.14% 130.93% 52.84% 82.42%
Break Da Bank Again MEGAWAYS 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.15% 68.52% 92.80% 80.78% 78.12% 85.60% 84.02%
Bronco Big Bounty 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 79.14% 90.74% 102.17% 75.25% 96.86% 75.95%
Brunos Vegas Gold Blitz 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 94.55% 92.20% 92.91%
Bucaneros 0.20€ 1.00€ 90.00% 94.49% 85.08% 78.49% 101.14% 65.44% 81.52%
Buffalo Blitz 2 0.20€ 250.00€ 95.96% 83.30% 91.43% 94.33% 83.80% 88.33% 92.57%
Buffalo Blitz Mega Merge 0.10€ 150.00€ 95.19% 68.48% 69.96% 86.08% 113.91% 94.17% 91.29%
Buffalo Collector 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 84.35% 94.36% 90.02% 99.11% 87.86%
Buffalo Hold and Win 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.00% 94.25% 91.05% 120.68%
Buffalo King 0.40€ 60.00€ 96.06% 97.31% 115.35% 87.14% 97.43% 82.80% 84.20%
Buffalo King Megaways 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.52% 93.83% 107.33% 88.79% 79.75% 95.82% 78.05%
Buffalo King Untamed Megaways 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 108.37% 93.76% 84.15% 85.72% 74.88% 85.96%
Buffalo Mania MegaWays 0.20€ 4.00€ 95.69% 87.63% 103.52% 96.01% 86.47% 147.40% 81.52%
Buffalo Toro 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.00% 91.72% 94.26% 95.14% 87.52% 109.97% 86.32%
Build The Bank 0.25€ 50.00€ 94.18% 62.10% 32.58% 63.22% 58.21% 77.15% 73.56%
Bullion Bars Grab the Gold 0.01€ 22.50€ 95.00% 44.44% 207.87%
BULLS EYE ALICE 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 93.41% 87.76% 87.96% 91.37% 85.29%
Burlesque by Dita 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.80% 79.00% 201.45% 128.94% 87.15% 107.21% 81.75%
Burn 7s Burn 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.50% 75.71% 93.59% 213.42% 51.37% 87.53% 168.31%
Burning Classics Go Wild 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 125.74% 100.32%
Burning Desire 91.26% 85.41% 102.16% 80.31% 60.39% 109.44%
Burning Stars 3 0.10€ 40.00€ 96.00% 151.98% 83.31%
Burning Wild 0.20€ 150.00€ 95.18% 95.45% 116.96% 97.83% 69.30% 77.82% 94.15%
Bushi Sushi 0.10€ 96.06% 110.78% 96.50% 99.90% 83.29% 56.96% 120.51%
Bust the Mansion 0.25€ 10.00€ 96.23% 102.75% 70.00% 85.92% 45.00% 115.56%
Buster Hammer Carnival 0.50€ 12.50€ 94.00% 84.94% 97.02% 120.37% 96.84% 100.21% 88.70%
Busters Bones 0.10€ 200.00€ 94.00% 85.57% 78.11% 101.75% 86.24% 62.52% 123.00%
Butterfly Staxx 2 0.25€ 250.00€ 96.35% 78.40% 89.86% 96.51% 67.98% 76.87% 91.48%
Butterflystaxx 0.20€ 2000.00€ 97.30% 93.68% 92.22% 95.69% 84.26% 96.15% 101.49%
Cai Shen 168 0.20€ 4.00€ 95.74% 72.35% 185.50% 73.75% 91.73% 100.37% 147.75%
Caishen's Gold 93.53% 75.22% 95.68% 87.84% 85.61% 84.01%
Caishens Cash 0.25€ 125.00€ 96.50% 86.50% 95.35% 102.98% 101.25% 121.67% 88.73%
Cake and Ice Cream 0.20€ 40.00€ 95.81% 101.91% 188.73% 80.24% 93.01% 70.62% 109.05%
Calacas Cash Buy Bonus 0.20€ 60.00€ 94.00% 104.53% 99.75%
Call of the Wild 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.53% 85.84% 93.04% 47.72% 98.75% 96.95% 99.46%
Canales Rivera La Feria de Abril 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 0.73% 133.28% 19.83% 37.76% 144.30% 83.83%
Candelas de Los Muertos Senor Muerte 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.00% 84.94% 68.56% 62.71% 81.01% 87.68% 98.36%
Candelas de Los Muertos Senorita Suerte 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.00% 82.76% 91.92% 104.92% 75.26% 83.34% 91.19%
Candy Blitz 0.20€ 240.00€ 94.00% 88.59% 88.21% 94.56% 93.80% 96.43% 96.29%
Candy Blitz Bombs 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.00% 84.55% 90.04% 97.35% 104.42% 102.96% 78.81%
Candy Combo Power Combo 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 91.27% 92.07% 89.74% 90.89% 91.57%
Candy Corner 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 94.84%
Candy Elves 0.15€ 12.60€ 94.00% 92.71% 101.45% 92.93% 90.23%
Candy Jar Clusters 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 96.37% 94.67% 94.29% 104.06% 96.92% 99.50%
Candy Paradise 0.20€ 12.50€ 94.00% 106.38% 75.13% 119.74% 137.82% 61.49% 86.63%
CANDY ROLL 0.10€ 190.00€ 95.00% 90.46% 93.84% 94.12% 89.53% 95.48% 78.05%
Candy Splasher Buy Bonus 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 81.37% 102.33%
Candy Stars 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.31% 124.00% 78.09% 137.01% 86.63% 96.99% 214.23%
Canita Brava 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 113.65% 230.63% 89.02% 50.08% 72.27% 36.73%
Captain Venture™: Treasures of the Sea 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.70% 180.49% 19.31% 104.94% 40.14% 82.06% 19.02%
Captains Quest Treasure Island 0.10€ 3.50€ 96.28% 53.15% 271.51% 40.78% 58.16% 19.44% 89.46%
Caravan to Cairo 25.00€ 2500.00€ 95.25% 63.10% 94.42% 53.39% 218.23% 79.18% 19.62%
Caravan to Cairo JP version 25.00€ 2500.00€ 90.22% 93.11% 94.65% 88.88% 86.83% 93.76% 91.57%
Carnaval Jackpot 0.27€ 96.04% 91.97% 92.61% 87.62% 77.25% 95.82% 86.36%
Case Closed 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.00% 90.54% 103.65% 134.07% 131.51% 76.84% 70.92%
Cash Bonanza 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.50% 84.40% 88.20% 99.87% 67.25% 90.24% 67.81%
Cash Box 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.00% 87.57% 100.73% 95.88% 91.38% 83.32% 83.43%
Cash Cascade Imperial Crown 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 108.88% 90.11%
Cash Chips 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 74.34%
Cash Compass 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.42% 30.98% 107.12% 87.87% 66.84% 101.21% 30.66%
Cash Connection Dolphins Pearl 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.00% 103.60% 90.86% 88.27% 65.77% 133.09% 74.18%
Cash Connection Golden Book of Ra 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 96.37% 95.00% 89.63% 119.87% 68.28% 95.18%
Cash Connection Golden Voodoo Magic 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 83.27% 99.59%
Cash Crew 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 131.22% 83.81% 88.96% 90.45% 119.52% 81.94%
Cash Elevator 0.20€ 2.00€ 94.43% 49.39% 73.58% 40.43% 126.73% 45.20% 38.40%
Cash Eruption 0.20€ 40.00€ 93.00% 85.39% 88.75% 85.82% 88.60% 93.87% 96.37%
Cash Eruption Fa Cai Shu 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.00% 98.58% 97.34% 90.80% 104.23% 72.98%
Cash Eruption Hephaestus 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 83.04% 98.65% 91.13% 104.04% 94.89%
Cash Eruption Hoggin Cash 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 86.95% 86.69%
Cash Eruption Red Hot Joker 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 92.85% 122.93% 91.99% 85.07% 87.83%
Cash Eruption Vegas 0.20€ 24.00€ 94.00% 69.61% 65.20% 100.57% 97.83%
Cash Falls Island Bounty 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.50% 108.87% 80.51% 97.62% 102.08% 134.66% 54.96%
Cash Flip Medusa 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 98.10% 92.43% 95.57% 93.61%
Cash it 0.10€ 400.00€ 95.99% 81.71% 100.90% 105.67% 91.78% 81.63% 106.94%
Cash Melon 0.20€ 200.00€ 94.10% 97.89% 79.65% 97.20% 91.27% 88.83% 88.86%
Cash N Riches Megaways 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.01% 87.37% 98.37% 100.47% 80.21% 92.14% 92.01%
Cash Noire 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.06% 179.52% 93.84% 126.17% 120.39% 96.81% 159.29%
Cash Patrol 0.25€ 2.50€ 96.50% 14.38% 117.55% 22.50% 105.54%
Cash Pig 0.30€ 10.80€ 94.00% 104.62% 74.47% 92.06%
Cash Plane X5000 0.10€ 40.00€ 95.99% 175.00% 79.26% 100.08% 65.09%
Cash Printer Heist 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 40.29% 99.71% 290.63% 35.79% 61.86% 26.41%
Cash Quest 0.20€ 500.00€ 96.32% 137.08% 76.69% 31.46% 232.30% 202.89% 155.35%
Cash Volt 0.10€ 30.00€ 94.66% 94.53% 32.76% 160.73% 34.60% 89.38% 65.84%
Cashomatic 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.33% 40.86% 81.01% 58.19% 106.07% 467.96% 87.75%
Casino Night 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 135.40% 93.04% 115.96% 133.05%
Casiopea Francesa Ruleta 0.50€ 2500.00€ 97.30% 93.09% 91.86% 100.93% 88.97% 96.27% 96.13%
Casiopea Ruleta 0.50€ 4000.00€ 97.30% 98.61% 98.43% 97.20% 98.99% 99.97% 94.79%
Castle of Fire 0.20€ 12.50€ 95.00% 53.00% 179.35% 115.38% 94.02% 117.59% 111.51%
Cat Clans 0.20€ 8.00€ 96.00% 93.76% 99.10% 90.03% 94.88% 95.47% 95.30%
Cat Clans 2 Mad Cats 0.20€ 5.00€ 94.40% 66.60% 63.78% 92.33% 50.00% 93.75% 98.16%
Cat Purry 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 85.21% 104.89% 28.27% 376.51% 45.65% 88.40%
Catrina 0.20€ 40.00€ 95.09% 71.14% 397.83% 76.29% 54.73% 101.16% 88.49%
Cats 0.30€ 90.00€ 94.00% 19.54% 81.35%
Cavernciola 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 42.91% 159.54% 44.78% 34.51% 52.21% 47.17%
Celtic Charm 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.83% 39.96% 85.88% 30.32% 47.23% 23.07% 77.80%
Cerberus Gold 2.00€ 20.00€ 94.00% 93.33% 99.63% 87.30% 110.51% 68.84% 92.30%
Champions of Poseidon 0.25€ 10.00€ 95.00% 88.72% 96.89% 88.60% 99.04% 86.52% 88.32%
Chaos Crew 0.20€ 10.00€ 92.40% 74.97% 72.61% 131.72% 78.40% 63.95% 55.86%
Chaos Crew II 0.10€ 5.00€ 94.39% 97.67% 82.34% 72.81% 78.74% 70.98% 76.37%
Charming Ladys Boom 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.00% 89.79% 77.71% 98.35% 83.28% 91.19% 84.16%
Chase for Glory 0.30€ 12.00€ 94.00% 217.32% 59.49% 91.10% 32.75% 73.65% 277.40%
Chests of Cai Shen 0.25€ 100.00€ 94.00% 88.26% 104.26%
Chests of Gold 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.25% 90.76% 65.24% 85.98% 70.98% 102.29% 81.38%
Chicago 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 79.85% 112.74% 43.61% 0.99% 847.86% 48.11%
Chicago Gold 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.00% 118.72% 70.22% 106.82% 66.72% 93.09% 104.67%
Chicken Chase 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.55% 6.25% 98.31% 7.14% 32.22%
Chicken Drop 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.53% 65.90% 116.96% 78.20% 61.75% 66.04% 87.89%
Chicken Night Fever 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.00% 79.57% 100.77% 97.28% 85.85% 110.21% 109.74%
Chili Bomba 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.20% 93.72% 63.52% 75.23% 124.96% 155.44% 105.96%
Chilli el toro 0.50€ 7.50€ 95.12% 315.14% 63.56% 27.76%
Chilli Heat 93.40% 91.04% 94.61% 92.73% 96.03% 94.65%
Chilli Heat Megaways 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.57% 75.22% 76.46% 91.04% 80.80% 66.28% 68.12%
Chilli Inferno 0.25€ 35.00€ 94.20% 80.46% 91.95% 92.24% 89.50% 57.22% 87.92%
Chilli Pepe Hot Stacks 0.20€ 25.00€ 94.20% 83.96% 92.02% 88.82% 78.05% 127.49% 53.73%
Chilli Pop 0.50€ 200.00€ 98.02% 63.75% 87.71% 95.32% 92.44% 121.02%
Chilli Prize Pots 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.98% 83.72% 57.00% 118.91% 31.13%
Chilli Xtreme Ways Boost 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.23% 89.22% 104.93% 62.78% 74.55% 76.43% 79.07%
Chiquito 1.00€ 15.00€ 90.00% 115.89% 77.80% 46.32% 100.98% 83.83% 86.65%
Chiquito 2: Condemor al rescate 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 76.93% 94.77% 107.39% 42.06% 66.95% 72.85%
Chiquito Fistrogames 0.20€ 15.00€ 94.00% 99.48% 64.81% 86.43% 77.30% 91.91% 87.73%
Chiquito Halloween 0.10€ 25.00€ 95.00% 98.26% 52.28% 14.79% 74.87% 50.34% 57.51%
Chiquito Navidad 0.20€ 15.00€ 94.00% 84.83% 46.37% 69.31% 33.92% 70.74% 31.06%
Chiquito y el tesoro de la pradera 0.01€ 30.00€ 91.05% 70.37% 94.44% 81.44% 17.72% 58.47% 82.96%
Chiringuito Party 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 59.47% 37.99% 36.39% 131.31% 62.17% 46.05%
Christmas Big Bass Bonanza 0.10€ 40.00€ 94.62% 92.31% 94.41% 97.64% 95.62% 97.21% 89.05%
Christmas Carol Megaways 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00% 88.56% 95.01% 87.59% 86.74% 105.29% 96.98%
Christmas Cashpots 0.10€ 60.00€ 95.00% 96.06%
Christmas Rush Express 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 95.43%
Chronicles of Olympus II Hades 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 103.14% 78.14% 71.45% 402.92% 50.74%
Chronicles of Olympus X UP 0.30€ 50.00€ 96.33% 104.29% 92.72% 57.30% 65.91% 56.71% 2.36%
Cinderellas Ball 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.28% 624.83% 81.71% 74.79% 65.89% 121.77% 49.38%
CIRCUIT SHOCK 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 89.63% 99.45% 94.09% 98.21% 99.38% 83.43%
Circus Launch 0.10€ 400.00€ 95.99% 90.56% 97.31% 98.03% 88.64% 103.15% 77.41%
Circus Party 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 73.75% 129.75% 69.36% 69.64% 71.02% 72.17%
Cirque De La Fortune 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.00% 59.00%
Citas 0.20€ 10.00€ 90.00% 78.07% 74.64% 60.53% 56.70% 94.22% 85.45%
Clash Of The Beasts 0.10€ 5.00€ 95.00% 93.58% 86.41% 91.41% 111.85% 77.93% 64.28%
Classic Cars Deluxe 0.05€ 30.00€ 92.53% 64.30%
Claw and Roar 0.40€ 100.00€ 94.00% 94.36%
Cleocatra 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.50% 99.13% 92.03% 90.73% 128.16% 83.35% 78.16%
Cleopatra Christmass 0.01€ 60.00€ 95.00% 135.61% 104.17% 90.67% 69.23% 102.73% 97.60%
Cleopatra Gold 0.01€ 5000.00€ 94.96% 98.11% 87.09% 89.35% 102.03% 88.63% 91.02%
Cleopatra Grand 0.20€ 5.00€ 94.00% 88.10% 99.77% 157.08% 89.70% 89.97% 84.85%
Cleopatra Hyper Hits 0.20€ 5.00€ 94.00% 94.73% 111.89% 94.32% 283.61% 88.48%
Cleopatra II 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.89% 62.18% 76.54% 61.82% 90.50% 75.55% 69.72%
Cleopatra Plus 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00% 82.28% 222.45% 81.30% 84.31% 116.83% 121.00%
Cleopatras Golden Spells 0.25€ 20.00€ 96.18% 77.03% 71.10% 30.67% 68.41% 108.33% 75.34%
Cloud Princess 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 76.18% 84.34% 93.92%
Clover Craze 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 106.17% 81.72% 96.19% 95.43% 87.15% 93.84%
Clover Gold 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.51% 93.77% 84.43% 91.97% 49.61% 61.00% 93.14%
Club Tropicana 0.12€ 240.00€ 95.07% 77.15% 81.68% 89.86% 132.55% 95.62% 99.58%
Cluster Kingdom 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 80.02% 142.04% 86.37%
Coba Reborn 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.00% 94.18% 83.50% 102.34% 104.81% 160.34% 89.73%
Codex of Fortune 0.20€ 100.00€ 98.00% 95.81% 89.65% 81.28% 83.66% 106.98% 86.75%
Coin Bash 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.12% 95.92% 96.38% 95.98% 96.05% 95.64% 93.06%
Coin-O-Mania 0.01€ 10000.00€ 95.00% 117.58% 64.89% 38.01% 109.77% 80.87% 69.12%
Coins of Egypt 0.10€ 20.00€ 96.56% 96.17% 81.83% 103.50% 91.27% 89.67% 94.71%
Colossal Cash Zone 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.50% 76.10% 35.20% 73.33%
Colossal Splash Ink and Win 0.10€ 4.00€ 94.00% 120.68% 92.07% 42.11% 112.02% 71.55%
Columbus Deluxe 88.00% 89.46% 94.06% 92.01% 93.25% 100.89%
Commander of Tridents 0.10€ 6.00€ 94.30% 78.37% 75.06% 86.37% 87.44% 100.12% 56.77%
Conan 0.20€ 4.00€ 96.33% 114.59% 139.59% 34.88% 125.23% 49.46% 123.20%
Congo Cash 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.51% 89.14% 106.57% 90.31% 78.75% 95.95% 88.35%
Congo Cash XL 0.25€ 22.50€ 95.00% 90.91% 97.01%
Copa Carnaval 0.01€ 15.00€ 95.94% 94.15% 89.79% 93.00% 93.33% 99.04% 90.79%
Cops n robbers drop shot deluxe 0.25€ 250.00€ 95.04% 45.00% 18.51% 57.70% 82.15%
Cops n Robbers Megaways Bonus Buy 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.50% 56.03% 99.01% 109.94% 43.62%
Cornelius 0.20€ 200.00€ 96.08% 97.85% 99.20% 104.98% 103.11% 95.93% 61.68%
Cornelius Milk Hunter Megaways 0.20€ 12.00€ 94.00% 94.14% 91.06% 83.81% 85.34%
Cosmic Cash 0.40€ 200.00€ 94.60% 123.91% 122.62% 83.75% 50.78% 10.27%
Cosmic Clusters 0.10€ 20.00€ 96.00% 59.26% 67.01% 103.73% 71.72% 111.12% 75.23%
Cosmic Coins 0.20€ 120.00€ 94.00% 86.00% 90.75% 92.35% 85.47% 87.46% 101.17%
Cosmic Moon 0.10€ 7.50€ 94.00% 104.04% 95.85% 94.01% 98.28% 88.60% 94.80%
Cossacks: The Wild Hunt 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.19% 79.77% 36.53% 129.74% 75.06% 88.28% 31.43%
Countess Cash 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 87.95% 73.77% 92.99% 78.36% 102.69% 90.57%
Country Farming 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.07% 11.33% 121.08% 49.95% 106.70% 50.00% 792.14%
Cowboys Coins 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.00% 114.80% 107.76% 53.26% 82.11% 148.04% 84.44%
Cowboys Gold 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.50% 82.92% 90.39% 96.97% 90.37% 102.55% 85.60%
Crabs Trap 0.10€ 80.00€ 94.06% 56.20% 143.95% 104.84% 55.61% 90.68% 113.50%
Crank It Up 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 84.67% 100.93% 96.60% 77.44% 148.12%
Crazy Wizard Classic 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 175.23% 82.48% 64.68%
Croc Chase 0.01€ 96.05% 11.25%
Croc Chase Mobile 0.01€ 100.00€ 96.05% 47.17% 51.74% 100.56% 130.11% 40.18% 60.24%
Crocodile Blitz 0.20€ 90.00€ 94.54% 92.61% 94.48% 170.54% 104.19% 93.20% 97.50%
Crown of Egypt 0.01€ 1000.00€ 95.03% 96.92% 80.55% 77.67% 77.44% 121.28% 80.57%
Crown of Fire 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.21% 98.22% 81.32% 99.44% 82.47% 96.92% 87.22%
Crystal Caverns Megaways 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.38% 133.75% 81.49% 94.85% 112.58% 82.44% 82.20%
Crystal furnace 1.00€ 2500.00€ 96.56% 65.45% 17.14% 52.43% 160.66% 34.94%
Crystal Lotus 1.00€ 2500.00€ 96.56% 95.54% 94.20% 105.93% 98.58% 93.26% 87.21%
Cubes 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.35% 97.69% 129.88% 60.23% 77.55% 61.72% 77.41%
Cubes 2 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.33% 110.38% 77.85% 129.89% 101.92% 127.74% 79.73%
Cubic Fruits 0.07€ 70.00€ 95.99% 71.14% 68.63% 106.98% 78.85% 28.22% 34.52%
Curse of the Werewolf Megaways 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.50% 131.18% 99.14% 104.76% 97.94% 82.24% 63.52%
Cursed Crypt 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 86.92% 94.82% 108.34% 70.53% 117.28% 69.19%
Cursed Seas 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.24% 91.14% 85.98% 121.84% 82.18% 507.51% 32.55%
Cursed Treasure 0.20€ 16.00€ 94.00% 91.81% 76.76% 91.90% 73.74% 76.85% 25.51%
Cyber Attack 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.68% 54.40% 69.49% 77.35% 82.65% 37.75% 52.95%
Cyber Wildz Buy Bonus 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.00% 59.96% 53.82% 91.86% 72.84% 50.54% 57.96%
Cyclops Smash 0.20€ 240.00€ 96.00% 858.34% 77.02% 36.55% 59.94% 120.13% 39.62%
Cygnus 2 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.00% 92.34% 89.07% 115.90% 49.51% 90.90% 75.93%
Cygnus 4 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 100.61% 97.44% 95.01% 99.01% 94.28% 101.79%
Cyverslot Megaclusters 0.20€ 35.59% 67.11% 95.08% 58.83% 73.22% 233.01% 106.57%
Da Vinci Diamonds 94.93% 91.15% 104.95% 97.24% 100.07% 88.46% 88.26%
Da Vinci Diamonds Dual Play 0.01€ 3000.00€ 93.35% 103.81% 81.34% 74.07% 77.08% 89.67% 95.57%
Da Vincis Treasure 0.02€ 0.00€ 96.53% 77.91% 64.47% 73.32% 67.32% 67.37% 92.70%
Dam Beavers 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 80.17% 102.91% 94.68% 94.02% 90.96% 92.85%
Dance Party 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.50% 83.99% 95.93% 83.64% 82.71% 98.01% 98.63%
Daniela Blume - Golden Throne 0.30€ 6.00€ 91.03% 70.07% 72.23% 105.49% 43.31% 68.18% 59.05%
Dark King Forbidden Riches 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.06% 109.28% 107.87% 116.84% 89.17% 67.42% 75.60%
Dark Summoning 0.10€ 9.00€ 94.00% 79.44% 94.93% 46.97% 91.78% 95.07% 77.80%
Dark Waters Power Combo 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 91.06% 95.63% 78.96% 101.79% 88.71% 92.83%
David Meca God of Seas 0.25€ 25.00€ 95.01% 78.58% 30.38% 126.30%
Dawn of Kings 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.25% 201.04% 180.72% 66.52% 86.83% 80.61% 126.81%
Day of Dead 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.47% 110.75% 368.35% 162.42% 62.32% 115.63% 77.09%
Day Of The Dinero 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 99.23% 83.99% 91.16% 85.71% 93.92% 100.44%
Dazzle Me 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.50% 96.53% 98.17% 100.11% 97.51% 100.41% 97.70%
Dazzle Me Megaways 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.10% 101.65% 86.71% 124.44% 82.38% 85.80% 109.38%
Dead or Alive 2 0.09€ 0.90€ 96.80% 74.37% 75.02% 86.12% 76.54% 75.18% 59.78%
Deadmau5 0.20€ 120.00€ 95.22% 247.65% 91.84% 242.81% 101.64% 43.15% 28.84%
Dear Santa 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 80.67%
Demon Pots 0.40€ 16.00€ 94.00% 93.97% 91.14% 98.69% 99.32% 82.53% 89.72%
Densho 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.38% 67.64% 79.44% 108.72% 85.42% 100.65% 85.52%
Desperados Wild Megaways 0.10€ 8.00€ 95.20% 100.82% 68.85% 72.71% 102.52% 76.02% 51.47%
Destino Imperial 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.04% 94.05% 103.02% 91.98% 88.15% 101.86% 91.48%
Devil Wilds 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.50% 56.99% 18.73% 6.42% 62.47% 7.10% 36.15%
Devilicious 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 103.45% 93.10% 95.04% 88.95% 86.59% 88.13%
Devilish Fortunes 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 92.18% 99.17% 104.17% 95.41% 87.44% 64.14%
Dia del Mariachi Megaways 0.20€ 5.00€ 94.23% 91.86% 100.54% 79.18% 99.79% 78.53% 75.61%
Diablo Reels 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.00% 72.48% 104.55% 251.37%
Diamond Blitz 2 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 88.88% 95.06% 86.01% 89.69%
Diamond Cascade 0.20€ 300.00€ 96.00% 98.60% 63.77% 141.80% 108.92% 77.36% 102.19%
Diamond Doggies 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 81.58% 93.87%
Diamond Empire 0.15€ 30.00€ 96.04% 96.65% 96.32% 99.35% 75.16% 77.27% 107.48%
Diamond Explosion 7s 1.00€ 12.50€ 94.00% 95.70% 98.31% 87.54%
Diamond Explosion Sweet Love 1.00€ 10.00€ 94.00% 95.72%
Diamond Force 92.08% 70.83% 50.61% 162.40% 95.74% 87.38%
Diamond Fruits 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.23% 146.79% 36.36% 47.87% 110.53% 14.82% 34.42%
Diamond Inferno 95.18% 87.18% 97.72% 106.29% 90.54% 94.67%
Diamond King Jackpots 0.10€ 25.00€ 96.44% 70.66% 87.08% 80.11% 99.97% 94.94% 88.84%
DIAMOND LINK ALMIGHTY KRAKEN 0.25€ 12.50€ 94.00% 101.55% 98.20% 90.33% 91.52% 86.05% 96.55%
Diamond Link Almighty Wolf 0.25€ 50.00€ 94.00% 87.69% 142.33% 77.47%
Diamond Link Mighty Dwarves Inc 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 97.71% 74.28% 87.96% 68.16% 105.18%
Diamond Link Mighty Elephant Win Ways 0.25€ 12.50€ 94.00% 92.51% 84.69%
Diamond Match 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.41% 94.45% 90.48% 95.21% 96.88% 125.84% 87.09%
DIAMOND MATCH DELUXE 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 94.65% 93.02% 95.31%
Diamond Mystery 81 Boosting Jokers 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 64.76% 73.59%
Diamond Mystery Fruitilicious deluxe 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 96.80% 96.36% 92.38% 93.96% 92.58% 88.70%
Diamond Riches 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.00% 92.57% 94.31%
Diamond rise 0.01€ 50.00€ 95.96% 99.18% 90.20% 89.28% 84.15% 101.85% 101.34%
Diamond Rush Express 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 89.24% 87.84% 101.09% 98.64% 88.69% 84.77%
Diamond Sands 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.11% 100.30% 88.39% 84.42% 80.85% 94.31% 82.39%
Diamond Strike 0.15€ 75.00€ 96.96% 90.47% 82.61% 122.00% 104.84% 89.98% 98.75%
Diamonds of Egypt 0.88€ 140.80€ 94.49% 73.98% 85.95% 66.62% 65.45% 63.51% 167.47%
Dice Dare 2 Win 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 105.67% 94.12% 88.81% 98.80% 93.20%
Ding Dong Christmas Bells 0.10€ 47.00€ 94.00% 32.08% 83.71% 96.77%
Disco Danny 0.10€ 10.00€ 96.04% 87.75% 65.51% 87.86% 70.96% 89.00% 100.08%
Divine 9 0.20€ 90.00€ 95.90% 47.15% 85.71% 11.11% 52.17%
Divine Diamonds 0.20€ 120.00€ 96.24% 92.31% 94.88% 94.88% 97.93% 98.48% 99.03%
Divine Drop 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 204.80% 80.53% 113.35% 87.73% 65.91% 196.50%
Divine Fortune Megaways 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.09% 94.52% 105.38% 98.03% 82.48% 138.48% 93.40%
Divine Riches Diana 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.04% 80.00% 118.03% 90.52% 75.81% 145.93% 86.09%
Divine Riches Helios 0.20€ 30.00€ 96.05% 95.61% 93.26% 98.07% 94.74% 98.80% 96.39%
Dobles patos 0.01€ 15.00€ 95.00% 103.89% 82.88% 95.86% 93.94% 88.44% 91.12%
Doctor Love 0.01€ 200.00€ 95.00% 96.72% 95.07% 111.81% 103.16% 93.92% 91.27%
Doctor Love on Vacation 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 126.77% 94.80% 91.57% 91.93% 101.71%
Dolphin Reef 0.20€ 95.23% 75.20% 48.58% 63.23% 34.09% 118.94% 87.15%
Dolphins Pearl Deluxe 0.02€ 50.00€ 95.13% 94.61% 93.92% 78.14% 89.58% 88.39% 93.91%
Donny Dough 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 60.50% 83.59% 98.85% 109.01% 111.15%
Dont Eat the Candy 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.00% 99.15% 53.50% 93.15% 54.36% 54.78% 47.94%
Donut Division 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 77.88%
Donuts 0.05€ 10.00€ 96.54% 75.19% 85.51% 110.01% 138.42% 63.11% 89.22%
Dork Unit 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.24% 64.85% 167.20% 76.95% 90.60% 82.48% 113.84%
Dorki Unit 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.24% 76.82% 92.59% 127.59% 44.69% 125.42% 117.34%
Double Cash Spinner 0.01€ 22.50€ 94.03% 90.62% 80.42% 102.90% 84.14% 101.06% 93.94%
DOUBLE DIGGER 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.80% 91.52% 85.15% 88.03% 101.59% 76.83% 83.80%
Double Heat Crown 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 90.46% 88.63% 89.86% 93.12%
Double Play Superbet 0.25€ 25.00€ 95.00% 80.95% 114.74% 90.39% 99.32% 107.89% 26.67%
Double Triple Chance 0.05€ 100.00€ 95.65% 83.46% 79.80% 111.43% 102.01% 91.54% 95.11%
Double up Ducks 1.00€ 2500.00€ 89.98% 88.46% 91.99% 93.84% 91.49% 90.60% 90.19%
Doublestacks 0.10€ 10.00€ 96.10% 129.47% 158.05% 77.53% 93.27% 112.62% 100.06%
Down the rail 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.50% 108.32% 128.50% 144.37% 74.47% 60.96%
Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde 0.01€ 150.00€ 96.49% 1.39% 185.71% 72.73% 14.29% 3.73%
DR WATTS UP 0.09€ 18.00€ 94.04% 94.86% 63.02% 81.33% 57.03%
Dr Wildshock Mad Loot Lab 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.26% 61.63% 144.80% 59.10% 92.26% 45.19% 27.50%
Dracula 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.58% 97.71% 83.22% 99.16% 101.03% 87.60% 88.92%
Drago - Jewels of Fortune 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.50% 67.89% 93.47% 95.59% 91.90% 58.63% 68.28%
Dragon Bonanza Gold Hit 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 91.43% 99.92% 80.11% 91.67% 88.76% 96.15%
Dragon Champions 0.40€ 400.00€ 95.12% 102.81% 96.52% 105.05% 74.08% 105.89% 95.68%
Dragon Gold 88 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 83.83% 114.96% 98.60% 93.50%
Dragon Hero 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.03% 93.88% 88.32% 86.76% 110.07% 100.81% 91.08%
Dragon Hot Hold and Spin 0.10€ 0.00€ 96.70% 17.44% 120.81% 44.94% 66.98% 91.83% 36.91%
Dragon Kingdom 0.01€ 0.00€ 96.47% 43.77% 113.04% 101.54% 83.50% 121.71% 82.82%
Dragon Kingdom Eye of Fire 0.05€ 25.00€ 96.49% 93.60% 80.08% 86.85% 85.69% 89.62% 98.61%
Dragon Spin Cross Link Water 0.20€ 80.00€ 94.00% 84.68% 82.42% 88.89% 102.10% 104.32%
Dragons Domain 0.20€ 5.00€ 94.00% 109.44% 76.31% 113.45% 87.35% 88.02%
Dragons Fire 0.10€ 31.25€ 91.15% 92.72% 100.13% 92.23% 83.77% 86.55% 86.57%
Dragons Fire Megaways 0.10€ 31.25€ 90.66% 72.87% 69.26% 71.71% 77.75% 101.06% 75.69%
Dragons Loot 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.00% 95.26% 86.87% 99.83% 90.58% 98.60% 113.29%
Dragons Luck 0.10€ 31.25€ 91.24% 92.78% 95.96% 99.28% 95.26% 96.61% 95.96%
Dragons Mirror 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 96.58% 88.39% 81.59% 94.82% 77.35% 126.33%
Dragons Playground 0.10€ 8.00€ 94.00% 79.11% 81.26% 101.23%
Dragonz 2 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 79.46%
Dream 3 Team 60.29% 61.33% 82.59% 210.51% 60.84% 42.20%
Drill That Gold 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.49% 46.88% 91.65% 26.37% 175.60% 33.33%
Drive Multiplier 0.15€ 7.50€ 96.70% 89.80% 90.97% 88.45% 74.73% 92.91% 104.21%
Drop Em 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.21% 89.80% 91.93% 122.41% 93.22% 91.56% 108.00%
Dropz 0.20€ 4.00€ 95.00% 90.47% 92.55% 87.39%
Druids Dream 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.00% 131.52% 20.97% 34.19% 76.07% 42.60% 53.60%
Druids Magic 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.11% 63.24% 142.53% 92.94% 110.55% 89.13% 31.35%
Dual play Roulette 0.50€ 5000.00€ 97.30% 103.47% 104.86% 108.30% 128.33% 102.16% 103.12%
Duel at Dawn 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 88.17% 89.68%
Dungeons and Diamonds 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.20% 40.65% 58.41% 76.19% 70.11%
Dwarf and Dragon 0.20€ 6.00€ 95.00% 112.49% 88.61% 76.25% 144.69% 78.73% 106.18%
Dwarfs Fortune 0.10€ 40.00€ 94.00% 90.46%
Dynamite Digger Eureka 0.02€ 10.00€ 95.30% 97.28% 99.08% 101.25% 98.53% 98.98% 91.98%
Dynamite Diggin Doug 0.10€ 33.00€ 94.00% 88.71% 88.66% 109.20% 97.62% 78.43%
Dynamite Riches Megaways 0.10€ 95.00€ 20.00% 83.73% 91.96% 85.35% 107.18% 78.09% 79.89%
East Sea Dragon King 0.10€ 200.00€ 96.23% 15.00% 38.10% 139.65% 216.78% 73.92%
Eastern Goddesses 0.12€ 9.00€ 94.00% 107.68%
Eggomatic 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.48% 64.27% 99.42% 133.35% 70.48% 103.14% 52.83%
Eggs Bonanza 0.10€ 6.60€ 94.44% 88.82% 94.33% 93.38% 97.02% 94.52% 95.26%
Eggz Power Combo 0.20€ 8.00€ 94.25% 96.97% 1116.63% 40.57% 71.26% 67.75% 133.85%
Egypt Clusterbuster 0.10€ 15.00€ 94.00% 96.05% 101.31% 89.70%
Egypt Megaways 0.20€ 8.00€ 94.77% 52.22% 79.31% 58.46% 77.27% 68.11% 70.50%
Egyptian Fortunes 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 64.75% 79.39% 62.47% 57.89% 74.49% 57.85%
Egyptian Tombs 0.20€ 96.18% 79.03% 81.51% 129.13% 105.28% 89.71% 101.38%
Egyptian Underworld 0.20€ 80.00€ 94.80% 63.96% 49.26% 32.60% 143.72% 114.81% 100.84%
El Bandido Explosivo 0.10€ 25.00€ 95.00% 92.79% 86.14% 91.53% 94.45% 98.92% 93.84%
El Brujo Megaways 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.21% 90.50% 71.73% 131.27% 70.44% 82.03% 68.82%
El Cartel 1.00€ 15.00€ 90.00% 66.52% 15.97% 38.78% 12.82% 78.64% 33.24%
El Cartel Plus 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 109.38% 53.01% 100.62% 58.33% 67.02% 29.81%
El Dioni 0.20€ 15.00€ 90.00% 67.55% 83.12% 109.61% 87.71% 76.61% 62.66%
El Diono Feria de Abril y El Secreto de las Piramides 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 79.99% 91.74% 83.96% 82.01% 81.70% 87.55%
El Dorado Infinity Reels 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 107.34% 108.90% 90.59% 72.91% 83.20%
El Koala 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 95.40% 19.52% 76.33% 52.79% 98.31% 119.32%
El Mago Blanco 0.01€ 15.00€ 94.94% 96.13% 94.72% 92.97% 94.04% 96.15% 91.65%
El Premio de los Cerditos 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.50% 97.38% 96.99% 93.76% 98.58% 92.01% 91.82%
El Reino de las monedas 0.20€ 25.00€ 90.08% 79.75% 108.73% 84.40% 86.34% 87.54% 89.62%
El Sevilla 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 33.83% 57.70% 75.86% 55.02% 57.07% 59.73%
El sueno del Chaman 0.01€ 15.00€ 95.44% 96.19% 93.53% 93.93% 94.28% 92.82% 94.56%
El tesoro de Cleopatra 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.99% 58.62% 32.35% 61.28% 28.85% 53.61% 35.18%
El Tesoro de la jungla 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 31.78% 77.20% 123.30% 94.03% 101.15% 20.18%
El Tesoro Pirata 0.20€ 1.00€ 90.00% 84.91% 100.72% 83.37% 87.32% 83.33% 92.05%
El tesoro pirata plus 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 76.58% 60.35% 59.91% 70.41% 91.81% 93.85%
Electric Avenue 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.37% 90.60% 93.81% 67.05% 78.00% 95.34% 44.04%
Electric Flamingo 0.25€ 75.00€ 94.00% 98.07% 93.50%
Elephant King 0.75€ 37.50€ 92.16% 80.85% 94.43% 78.38% 91.31% 97.22% 88.17%
Elephant Riches 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.00% 109.77% 100.11% 113.78% 103.30% 97.44% 90.35%
Elven Gold 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.10% 67.33% 95.27% 80.38% 165.47% 105.78% 117.09%
Emerald Gold 0.25€ 100.00€ 94.67% 71.26% 61.09% 81.45% 78.83% 91.10% 101.40%
Emerald King 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.51% 114.07% 183.15% 98.69% 92.37% 93.50% 149.69%
Emerald King: Rainbow Road 0.20€ 240.00€ 96.71% 98.25% 100.49% 71.60% 46.00% 91.04% 112.89%
Emperor of India 0.20€ 5.00€ 94.00% 94.70% 85.99% 87.51% 85.46% 108.58%
Empire Treasures Pride of Persia 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.99% 102.63% 54.57% 95.11% 100.99% 97.66% 85.76%
Empire Treasures Rulers of the World 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.33% 71.44% 29.51% 25.00% 35.85% 108.78%
Empire Treasures The Queens Curse 0.15€ 50.00€ 96.34% 78.87% 108.38% 65.15% 58.28% 90.52% 170.70%
Empire Treasures Wild Crusade 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.40% 47.91% 14.00% 12.00% 85.37% 316.25%
Empire Treasures: Viking Hoard 0.25€ 50.00€ 96.35% 85.56% 86.67% 84.80% 111.40% 73.76% 61.69%
Empress of The Shadows 0.10€ 8.00€ 94.00%
Empty the Bank 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.48% 61.23% 92.45% 67.38% 45.47% 66.42% 73.41%
Enchanted Lamp 0.01€ 3000.00€ 94.11% 79.60% 99.41% 73.89% 71.12% 116.69% 70.39%
Enchanted Prince 0.01€ 15.00€ 0.00% 92.99% 94.16% 98.43% 88.96% 93.50% 96.41%
Enchanted Prince 2 0.01€ 20.00€ 93.10% 77.05% 87.41% 95.92% 97.50% 94.61% 93.38%
Enchanted Prince 2 JP 0.01€ 20.00€ 90.00% 100.49% 60.79% 69.85% 111.18% 71.40% 98.26%
Enter the Vault 1.00€ 10.00€ 94.00% 91.49%
Epic Ape II 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.97% 97.77% 93.24% 101.47% 93.81% 92.92% 95.44%
Escuela de Magia 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 77.20% 84.70% 77.45% 77.43% 93.67% 31.37%
Esqueleto Mariachi 0.10€ 31.25€ 91.12% 93.16% 95.14% 99.83% 93.09% 97.89% 95.48%
Estaca Plateada ELSA ANKA 0.10€ 10.00€ 96.01% 19.23% 51.89% 14.73% 20.16% 51.36%
Estampida 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.58% 91.87% 92.70% 93.72% 96.47% 94.63% 94.13%
Eternal Empress Freeze Time 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 90.26% 99.45%
Eternal Wishes LuckyTap 0.30€ 9.00€ 93.00% 95.41% 93.69% 89.37% 98.74% 93.88% 97.03%
Eugenio 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 80.23% 89.66% 127.15% 71.03% 55.07% 97.00%
Evil Eyes 0.10€ 8.00€ 94.00% 109.77% 100.85% 84.15% 94.69%
Excalibur 0.20€ 16.00€ 95.08% 48.04% 68.21% 37.60% 97.42% 33.04% 68.76%
Excalibur Unleashed 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.01% 49.60% 25.81% 95.45% 381.57% 146.22% 120.12%
Expansion 0.30€ 75.00€ 94.02% 41.67% 36.67% 37.63% 67.26% 221.28% 72.06%
Experimental 0.25€ 20.00€ 94.00% 91.75%
Extra Chilli 0.20€ 25.00€ 96.82% 98.23% 95.26% 93.37% 95.88% 94.28% 98.21%
Extra Juicy 92.34% 98.75% 113.46% 87.61% 94.76% 83.92%
Extreme Fruits Ultimate Deluxe 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.00% 96.96% 79.85% 88.61%
Extreme Riches 138.67% 102.14% 46.22% 108.26% 46.26% 54.17%
Eye of Anubis 0.10€ 95.76% 96.52% 92.21% 100.14% 88.12% 93.19% 131.83%
Eye of Cleopatra 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.50% 12.38% 59.67%
Eye of Horus 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.31% 73.99% 91.94% 87.62% 99.24% 95.88% 87.60%
Eye of Horus Megaways 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.49% 92.18% 80.04% 92.24% 102.47% 81.51% 89.32%
Eye of the Panda 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 147.55% 90.36% 81.74% 97.97% 62.99% 94.88%
Eye of the Queen 0.20€ 95.00% 71.56% 132.19% 64.96% 90.54% 54.26% 86.07%
Eye of the Storm 0.10€ 250.00€ 96.71% 133.95% 80.24% 82.26% 116.48% 125.43% 100.41%
Fa Fa Babies 2 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.00% 84.96% 93.21% 90.48% 92.45% 99.58%
Fa-Fa Twins 0.25€ 125.00€ 95.37% 18.45% 26.04% 105.82% 6.80%
Fairy Hansel 0.20€ 1000.00€ 96.20% 96.08% 95.36% 98.30% 93.01% 94.54% 92.97%
Fairy Mirror 0.10€ 10.00€ 96.48% 76.92% 83.29% 40.87% 70.31% 83.06% 96.04%
Fairy Red 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.33% 111.34% 93.64% 94.77% 95.18% 93.57% 95.43%
Fairytale Fortune 0.15€ 0.00€ 96.52% 121.60% 129.56% 55.54% 61.12% 82.21% 96.57%
Fangbaozhu 0.25€ 100.00€ 95.11% 74.47% 157.15% 85.65% 237.61% 77.66% 41.69%
Fangtastic Freespins 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 88.97% 85.53%
Fat Panda 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 88.32% 66.50% 81.08% 62.87% 79.69% 73.97%
Faust 101.81% 77.26% 98.09% 80.02% 95.76% 87.42%
Fear the dark 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.33% 92.22% 132.10% 110.26% 76.16% 142.12% 73.23%
Feel the Beat 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 117.69% 159.35% 62.36% 65.53% 55.75% 73.55%
Feelin Fruity 10 0.20€ 96.02% 87.05% 93.22% 99.23% 52.38% 7.50%
Feliz Cumpleanos 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.05% 95.84% 97.89% 104.48% 87.38% 88.66% 104.29%
FENG SHUI FLIP 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 62.92% 112.32% 102.95% 77.12% 16.18% 49.17%
Fiesta de Mascotas 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 158.20% 13.33% 166.22% 13.65% 30.50%
Finn and the Candy Spin 0.10€ 60.00€ 94.50% 88.45% 94.78% 85.68% 89.75% 92.53% 105.16%
Finn and the Swirly Spin 0.50€ 50.00€ 96.01% 96.22% 100.60% 95.05% 88.76% 100.14% 93.23%
Fionas Christmas Fortune 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 209.23% 115.95% 85.00% 97.18% 91.83% 75.80%
Fionas Fortune 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.00% 94.27% 97.52% 94.16% 88.27% 95.68% 101.98%
Fire 4 Cash Collect Quattro 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.80% 62.43% 63.04% 120.92% 68.86% 26.72% 112.02%
Fire 88 91.59% 87.19% 107.21% 106.00% 73.16% 77.87%
Fire and Roses Joker 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 100.53% 102.63% 101.55% 83.70% 88.65% 86.85%
Fire and Roses Joker 2 All In 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 97.87% 97.63% 94.74% 96.25%
Fire and Roses Jolly Joker 0.20€ 12.50€ 94.00% 98.24% 92.08% 99.95% 105.48% 98.96% 93.44%
Fire Archer 0.25€ 125.00€ 95.12% 44.39% 72.95% 220.21% 179.25% 158.22%
Fire Blaze Adventure Trail 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.64% 64.74% 87.08% 40.98% 53.44% 61.03% 108.07%
Fire Blaze Big Circus 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.37% 96.29% 103.89% 94.25% 94.10% 95.28% 97.12%
Fire Blaze Blue Wizard 0.10€ 35.00€ 96.50% 97.73% 98.87% 95.68% 96.48% 96.75% 95.39%
Fire Blaze Classics Fire Fighter 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.92% 85.37% 113.28% 96.17% 90.07% 96.77% 103.97%
Fire Blaze Classics Toltec Blocks 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.92% 92.47% 78.37% 74.53% 92.96% 118.76% 73.91%
Fire Blaze Golden Amazing Factory 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.50% 85.53% 59.82% 24.86% 44.17% 140.98% 99.82%
Fire Blaze Golden: Buccaneer Bells 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.48% 89.66% 97.52% 95.75% 113.39% 99.44% 111.16%
Fire Blaze Green Wizard 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.91% 85.74% 99.44% 103.93% 93.83% 84.10% 91.32%
Fire Blaze Jinns Moon 0.25€ 50.00€ 96.58% 98.48% 111.65% 110.11% 113.50% 93.44% 103.35%
Fire Blaze Sky Queen Megaways 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.00% 89.08% 95.65% 90.09% 96.19% 125.57% 90.01%
Fire Blaze Tundra Wolf 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.46% 90.88% 98.92% 73.95% 93.37% 84.28% 131.88%
Fire Blaze: Eternal Lady 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.50% 93.38% 98.23% 93.42% 95.10% 102.98% 102.37%
Fire Blaze: Golden Macaque 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.73% 94.43% 91.23% 102.23% 102.31% 99.96% 93.89%
Fire Blaze: Pharaohs Daughter 0.25€ 50.00€ 96.50% 96.56% 99.21% 103.83% 92.19% 99.65% 97.77%
Fire Blaze: Red Wizard 0.20€ 30.00€ 96.49% 102.47% 100.78% 96.83% 101.35% 94.23% 99.68%
Fire Blaze: Sky Queen 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.98% 96.25% 89.52% 95.77% 91.40% 97.12% 96.73%
Fire Blaze: Tsai Shens Gift 0.25€ 50.00€ 96.50% 98.46% 95.83% 90.47% 91.74% 94.67% 97.20%
Fire Fird Spirit 0.25€ 125.00€ 94.00% 70.45% 109.32% 112.52% 71.51% 95.66% 219.06%
Fire Forge 0.25€ 20.00€ 96.00% 98.43% 88.36% 107.18% 89.72% 74.68% 109.95%
Fire My Laser 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 86.13%
Fire Portals 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.00% 89.02% 80.76% 94.54% 103.07% 93.41% 107.36%
Fire Stampede 0.20€ 22.00€ 94.00% 100.43% 94.88% 94.81% 92.72% 97.51% 95.81%
Fire Strike 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.50% 76.54% 86.62% 95.10% 90.31% 89.16% 90.80%
Fire Strike 2 0.10€ 4.00€ 94.50% 73.23% 44.64% 121.43%
FireBorn 0.10€ 6.00€ 94.00% 75.05% 38.01% 46.14% 21.91% 67.00% 36.51%
Fireflies 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.06% 95.64% 98.80% 74.99% 110.23% 89.78% 90.13%
Fireworks Frenzy 0.01€ 15.00€ 94.94% 93.06% 90.01% 103.50% 101.18% 77.94% 96.29%
First person American Roulette 1.00€ 1000.00€ 96.00% 68.05% 124.03% 86.16% 70.30% 78.65% 75.22%
First Person Blackjack Virtual 1.00€ 2500.00€ 99.32% 95.95% 96.90% 98.40% 96.81% 97.43% 97.19%
First Person Dream Catcher 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.65% 95.82% 95.21% 101.19% 80.88% 81.18% 117.83%
First person Lightning roulette 0.50€ 5000.00€ 97.30% 97.11% 95.57% 96.98% 92.72% 93.31% 97.03%
First Person Ruleta Virtual 0.50€ 5000.00€ 97.30% 89.73% 103.39% 100.66% 92.66% 101.99% 70.12%
First Person YB Blackjack Virtual 0.10€ 100.00€ 99.00% 86.35% 96.49% 95.31% 95.55% 93.90% 93.55%
First Person YB Roulette Virtual 0.10€ 100.00€ 97.00% 95.51% 95.93% 97.51% 99.46% 96.74% 92.43%
First Person YC Blackjack Virtual 0.10€ 100.00€ 99.00% 96.38% 94.72% 94.31% 94.35% 98.03% 98.66%
First Person YC Roulette Virtual 0.10€ 100.00€ 97.00% 97.66% 93.31% 97.80% 98.20% 89.54% 95.16%
Fish em up 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.11% 86.25% 85.91% 118.91% 55.48% 75.89% 45.00%
Fish Eye 0.10€ 250.00€ 95.07% 130.55% 123.88% 54.43% 134.98% 79.34% 134.83%
Fishin Frenzy 0.10€ 120.00€ 96.12% 61.38% 99.02% 92.11% 92.70% 89.80% 90.75%
Fishin Frenzy Megaways 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.50% 104.03% 98.01% 87.68% 84.99% 221.57% 86.49%
Fishin Pots Of Gold 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.06% 91.99% 97.49% 96.10% 92.06% 91.95% 95.46%
Fishin pots of gold gold blitz 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 93.83% 92.28% 92.94% 89.82% 90.97% 88.87%
Fishin Pots of Gold Gold Blitz Extreme 0.20€ 18.00€ 94.00% 93.64% 88.04% 89.44% 96.66%
Fishin Reels 0.10€ 0.00€ 96.50% 78.58% 66.31% 152.31% 111.29% 86.93% 123.38%
Fishin' Bonanza 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.51% 91.57% 134.90% 74.84% 105.59% 80.04% 116.08%
Fishing Cashpots 0.10€ 60.00€ 95.00% 27.27%
Fishing Deeper Floats of Cash 0.25€ 6.50€ 94.00% 122.32% 79.41% 120.49% 89.19% 250.80% 65.55%
Fishing Floats Connectify Pays 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 101.49% 103.16% 92.63% 110.23% 93.25% 84.88%
Fishing Frenzy Big Catch 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.00% 81.05% 113.24% 81.54% 101.50% 104.33% 82.39%
Fishtastic 0.10€ 15.00€ 94.00% 94.03% 92.76% 92.97% 94.89% 103.81% 93.63%
Fist of Destruction 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 60.31% 76.76% 80.20% 122.70% 85.91% 80.77%
Five on the Farm 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 93.72% 94.01% 80.09% 100.82% 90.50% 87.84%
Five Star 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.26% 114.13% 45.33% 142.10% 72.63% 101.98% 53.64%
Flaming Chillies 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 107.84% 89.93%
Flaming Foxe 0.10€ 31.25€ 91.05% 90.30% 89.26% 114.80% 96.53% 91.39% 91.82%
Flipping Fortunes 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 17.39% 106.74%
Floating Dragon 0.10€ 250.00€ 96.71% 91.46% 93.82% 92.74% 109.14% 84.34% 103.72%
Floating Dragon Dragon Boat Festival 0.01€ 250.00€ 94.00% 89.31% 83.95% 99.96% 83.35% 94.50% 94.94%
Floating Dragon Hold and Spin Megaways 0.10€ 250.00€ 94.62% 83.49% 87.59% 89.84% 85.68% 77.37% 84.47%
Floating Dragon New Year Festival Ultra Megaways Hold Spin 0.20€ 4.00€ 94.00% 93.93% 96.37% 87.47% 101.21% 115.92% 76.00%
Flowers 0.30€ 15.00€ 96.32% 93.97% 86.68% 90.04% 90.74% 70.57% 86.77%
Fluffy Arace Double Up Ducks Luckytap 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 91.32% 86.68% 79.58%
Fluffy Favourites 10 0.10€ 12.50€ 93.00% 88.75% 88.69% 96.80% 99.38% 86.39% 94.70%
Fluffy Favourites Fairground 0.01€ 15.00€ 95.00% 97.11% 95.07% 98.42% 93.59% 99.31% 91.69%
Fluffy Favourites Fairground JP 0.01€ 25.00€ 89.99% 97.00% 94.39% 94.18% 91.84% 92.26% 92.52%
Fluffy Favourites LuckyTap 0.30€ 9.00€ 93.00% 97.31% 89.76% 91.94% 95.63% 91.43% 94.46%
Fluffy Favourites Megaways 0.10€ 35.00€ 95.00% 91.11% 93.00% 86.89% 86.19% 84.54% 103.54%
Fluffy Favourites Mix n Wins 0.01€ 12.50€ 93.00% 84.87% 93.74% 85.82% 90.39% 83.77% 125.83%
Fluffy Favourites Remastered 1.00€ 2500.00€ 95.39% 83.54% 102.76% 97.07% 101.44% 85.66% 106.31%
Fluffy in Space 1.00€ 2500.00€ 96.36% 52.47% 123.51% 66.44% 54.79% 79.13% 51.04%
Fluffy in Space JP 0.01€ 15.00€ 0.00% 86.60% 89.06% 133.13% 106.66% 96.23% 84.37%
Fluffy Too JP 1.00€ 2500.00€ 90.00% 93.06% 93.12% 93.33% 93.84% 89.94% 89.95%
Fondant favorites Star Trail 0.20€ 10.00€ 93.00% 94.30% 120.23% 107.93% 80.77%
Fonsi Nieto Deluxe Racing Life 0.10€ 10.00€ 86.35% 48.61% 154.56% 72.07% 76.35% 3.77% 115.40%
Football 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.82% 41.67% 120.49% 85.66% 104.56% 124.27% 98.60%
Football cash collect 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.91% 97.19% 88.88% 90.64% 84.87% 100.30% 90.86%
Football Finals X UP 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.04% 89.44% 50.83% 11.43% 30.00%
Football lucky tab 0.10€ 100.00€ 93.00% 89.81% 92.90% 84.38% 86.72% 76.41% 133.69%
Football Star 0.50€ 250.00€ 96.29% 11.70% 38.72% 99.93%
Forest Fortune 0.10€ 10.00€ 96.31% 21.43%
Forge of Olympus 0.20€ 20.00€ 93.96% 83.83% 80.58% 61.46% 79.68% 88.15% 99.64%
Forging Wilds 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 149.74% 67.78% 80.49% 90.07%
Forgotten Island 0.20€ 2.00€ 96.25% 82.49% 85.49% 91.04% 93.06% 91.37% 96.82%
Fortress Change 0.10€ 15.00€ 96.45% 77.34% 49.47% 48.22% 126.57% 277.68% 21.43%
Fortuna De Magalhaes 0.20€ 6.00€ 95.00% 89.45% 89.45%
Fortune Coin 0.60€ 30.00€ 94.00% 79.17% 87.87%
Fortune Coin Boost 0.75€ 7.50€ 94.10% 97.20% 96.58% 96.88% 96.83% 84.46% 110.36%
Fortune Coin old version 0.60€ 30.00€ 94.20% 105.30% 93.45% 87.01% 92.57% 92.90% 80.82%
Fortune Dragon 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.29% 83.09% 99.74% 61.51% 47.41% 94.24% 86.32%
Fortune Fishing 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 91.61% 79.83% 96.33% 103.49% 117.05% 51.24%
Fortune Hit n Roll 0.40€ 20.00€ 94.00% 79.66% 72.41%
Fortune of Giza 0.20€ 14.00€ 96.51% 174.35% 533.13% 116.27% 28.17% 24.50% 61.56%
Fortune Rush 0.25€ 50.00€ 96.08% 88.95% 79.40% 89.03% 89.74% 163.08% 97.61%
Fortunes of Aztec 0.20€ 240.00€ 95.00% 99.49% 96.58% 91.70% 90.31% 99.07% 91.43%
Fortunium 0.10€ 250.00€ 96.37% 92.15% 104.81% 94.93% 89.01% 93.41% 89.97%
Fox Fortunata Multiplier Hunt 0.10€ 20.00€ 96.00% 89.13% 63.69% 119.24% 62.14% 71.61% 107.18%
Foxpot 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.31% 71.81% 90.36% 98.61% 49.55% 125.68% 29.14%
Franks Farm 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.36% 83.25% 94.11% 121.54% 108.34% 80.99% 60.33%
Frogblox 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 92.35% 105.09% 92.84% 78.68% 127.29% 87.05%
From Dusk Till Dawn 10 0.10€ 95.02% 136.82% 111.02% 92.16% 96.24% 116.67% 79.78%
Front Runner Link and Win 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.24% 69.62% 70.65% 90.48% 102.10% 70.08% 72.54%
Frozen Tropics 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 77.32% 86.44% 99.86% 88.45% 55.66% 112.75%
Fruit Case 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.42% 100.00% 49.28% 69.29% 156.92% 93.34% 25.00%
Fruit Duel 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.30% 60.06% 63.76% 33.35% 107.87% 25.88% 12.42%
Fruit Harvest 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.00% 104.41% 91.94% 104.69% 91.55% 99.38% 101.04%
Fruit King 0.20€ 95.00% 113.03% 60.18% 88.53% 54.56% 110.13% 59.07%
Fruit Party 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.47% 83.34% 90.61% 112.18% 89.57% 102.54% 108.71%
Fruit Party 2 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.46% 65.70% 77.14% 83.83% 99.20% 87.18% 93.62%
Fruit Rainbow 0.40€ 200.00€ 96.53% 42.46% 80.80% 323.90% 75.49% 95.31% 110.94%
Fruit Shop 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.00% 95.89% 100.66% 94.06% 98.01% 98.23% 99.10%
Fruit Shop Christmas 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.01% 84.83%
Fruit Shop Frenzy 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.00% 112.46% 89.56% 97.27% 80.75% 86.42% 99.89%
Fruit shop Megaways 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.06% 95.26% 94.22% 92.89% 95.71% 100.64% 96.51%
Fruit Zen 0.01€ 100.00€ 97.30% 25.00% 31.08% 30.00%
Fruity Burst 2 0.10€ 200.00€ 93.00% 95.68% 92.12% 94.69% 86.30% 94.24% 87.40%
Fruity Showers 0.25€ 10.00€ 95.60% 307.20% 50.00% 16.00% 102.15%
Fruity Treats 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 79.28% 87.21% 94.14% 85.49% 93.60% 89.46%
Frutz 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.40% 49.69% 51.56% 80.47% 59.27% 40.76% 46.97%
Fu 88 0.05€ 40.00€ 95.13% 95.03% 90.74% 95.90% 84.37% 98.90% 87.40%
FULL MOON WHITE KING POWERPLAY JACKPOT 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 94.63% 89.76% 93.48% 98.54%
Fury of Odin Megaways 0.20€ 100.00€ 93.98% 76.74% 117.99% 80.25% 84.09% 152.92% 108.65%
Fuzanglong Fire Wilds 0.25€ 125.00€ 95.14% 108.13% 95.22% 86.02% 106.20% 108.61% 106.56%
Galactic Invaders 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 95.09% 87.50% 85.69% 102.97% 82.79% 90.66%
Galactica 1.00€ 15.00€ 90.00% 43.86% 13.40% 45.03% 66.80% 57.67% 126.58%
Gallo Gold Brunos Megaways 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.01% 87.97% 83.58% 91.42% 116.09% 103.36% 92.34%
Gamblelicious Hold and Win 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 85.80% 102.06%
Game of Thrones 243 Ways 0.30€ 15.00€ 95.07% 65.22% 67.06%
Game of Thrones: Power Stacks 0.30€ 100.00€ 96.20% 96.56% 106.67%
Garden of Riches 104.49% 78.29% 186.08% 59.93% 111.44% 100.64%
Gates of Asgard Power Combo 0.20€ 25.00€ 94.00% 105.32% 138.10% 75.48% 72.65% 66.88% 87.32%
GATES OF CAMELOT 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 97.50% 114.49% 87.11% 103.22% 135.83%
Gates of Olympus 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.50% 94.67% 95.47% 91.80% 93.28% 89.29% 93.86%
Gates of Olympus 1000 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 94.53% 91.48% 97.78% 108.42% 105.37% 92.99%
Gates of Olympus Xmas 1000 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 90.01%
Gates of Valhalla 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.47% 95.35% 107.09% 112.73% 55.10% 70.19% 92.72%
Gato Magico 0.20€ 25.00€ 80.00% 91.45% 133.70% 72.09% 86.02% 75.11% 76.55%
ge of the Gods Medusa and Monsters 0.50€ 20.00€ 96.09% 92.29% 95.24% 101.11% 83.61% 107.10% 69.88%
Gears of horus 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.00% 151.74% 102.91% 67.84% 64.28% 98.01% 91.95%
Gem Crush 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.00% 99.87% 69.77% 96.56% 101.15% 106.78% 93.07%
Gem Elevator 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 111.94% 93.67% 98.62% 91.08%
Gem splash Kings Court 0.10€ 10.00€ 96.37% 119.45% 88.50% 90.52% 76.91% 118.02% 97.16%
Gemma Mengual Capitana Nemo 0.10€ 25.00€ 95.25% 56.09% 54.33% 110.97% 38.20% 66.43% 62.70%
Gems Bonanza 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.55% 97.11% 85.49% 90.41% 82.64% 83.09% 88.11%
Gems Infinity Reels 0.25€ 40.00€ 94.00% 96.16% 105.90% 63.71% 71.43%
Gems of Serengeti 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.36% 79.33% 89.35% 80.89% 70.62% 114.20% 72.03%
GemsInfernoMegaWays 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.73% 36.97% 68.95% 93.56% 123.99% 81.75% 68.91%
Genie Wild 0.01€ 250.00€ 95.00% 80.50% 94.03% 84.76% 56.43% 73.49% 30.91%
Genies Link and Win 4Tune 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 127.40% 92.35% 91.20% 71.22% 85.72% 114.34%
Get the CHEESE 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 107.40% 112.87% 75.64%
Getaway Gangsters 0.20€ 16.00€ 94.00% 64.16% 84.21% 69.03% 119.34% 35.00%
Ghostbusters Plus 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00% 128.45% 115.41% 44.02% 94.35% 107.67% 119.56%
Giants Gold 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 98.86% 96.39% 74.53% 93.45% 107.10%
Giga Blast 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 72.52% 87.96% 62.05% 71.11% 147.16% 103.48%
Giovannis Gems 0.30€ 150.00€ 94.35% 118.33% 92.77% 72.54% 11.11%
Giro Estelar 0.25€ 25.00€ 95.00% 85.75% 89.92% 88.62% 88.37% 87.86% 98.13%
Giza Infinity Reels 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 193.80% 120.46% 242.03% 78.99% 90.04%
Gladiator Gladiator Jackpot 1 0.01€ 25.00€ 91.46% 77.25% 92.88% 83.19% 81.86% 99.67% 88.02%
Gladiator Legends 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.31% 59.77% 65.35% 97.56% 29.60% 69.01% 125.75%
Gladiator Mega Cash Collect 0.01€ 100.00€ 95.50% 84.21% 89.03% 85.74% 153.74% 96.81% 91.50%
Gladiator Spoils of Victory 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 97.04% 85.75%
Gladiator Ways 0.10€ 30.00€ 94.00% 93.61%
Gladiatoro 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 86.91% 114.74% 91.48%
Gnomos Mix Golden Edition 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 55.88% 80.73%
Go High Gone Fishing 1.00€ 20.00€ 96.00% 84.45% 113.85%
GO JOKER GOGO GO 0.05€ 100.00€ 95.00% 96.64% 89.44% 141.05% 84.87% 91.27% 86.98%
Goblin Heist Powernudge 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.34% 151.56% 74.45%
God of Fire 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.06% 69.67% 71.89% 166.40% 47.66% 88.20% 111.33%
God of Gold 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.21% 96.80% 121.42% 91.01% 114.47% 64.51% 111.73%
Gods of Giza 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.03% 165.82% 118.64% 105.21% 92.95% 91.34% 95.03%
Gods of Seas Tritons Fortune 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.20% 78.66% 95.08% 123.67% 85.08% 89.26% 62.00%
Gods of Troy 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.74% 117.28% 128.73% 81.65% 80.05% 107.89% 63.85%
Gold Blitz 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.25% 93.76% 91.45% 91.23% 94.51% 97.35% 98.85%
Gold Blitz Extreme 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 95.27% 90.78% 91.77% 100.14% 90.51% 93.24%
Gold Blitz Ultimate 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 106.61%
Gold Boom 0.10€ 16.00€ 94.00% 87.16% 91.32% 83.70% 95.97% 90.15% 81.99%
Gold Canyon 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.13% 66.42% 94.38% 161.67% 188.24%
Gold Cash Big Spins 0.20€ 200.00€ 95.00% 94.58% 83.12% 89.03% 90.91% 95.51% 95.26%
Gold Cash Free Spins 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 77.81% 67.21% 28.16% 57.60% 64.31%
Gold Cherry 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.00% 32.01% 47.75% 214.99%
Gold Collector 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.40% 92.31% 114.47% 85.94% 87.98% 63.83% 90.72%
Gold Collector Diamond Edition 0.10€ 40.00€ 94.25% 94.33% 94.09% 99.71% 88.78% 92.81% 96.33%
Gold Fusion 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 96.34% 89.25% 89.00% 90.36% 92.79% 89.16%
Gold Gold Gold 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 85.79% 90.57% 77.26%
Gold Hit and Link Tiger Jones 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 95.71% 91.27% 93.16% 91.84%
Gold hit lil Demon 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.00% 88.15% 107.03% 90.54% 94.68% 94.88% 98.98%
Gold Hit Shrine Of Anubis 0.10€ 225.00€ 95.80% 62.86% 82.37% 96.08% 76.53% 124.37% 80.80%
Gold Mermaid 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.00% 103.67% 96.84% 83.61% 47.80% 538.00% 83.11%
Gold Mine Mistress 0.10€ 5.00€ 95.00% 96.06% 87.67% 82.66% 90.89% 84.69% 86.66%
Gold Mine Stacks 2 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.04% 54.99% 58.01% 48.19% 84.89% 70.44%
Gold n Rocks 0.50€ 100.00€ 96.06% 65.94% 50.00% 10.81% 116.17% 23.33% 45.25%
Gold Oasis 0.20€ 240.00€ 94.00% 64.71% 117.10% 96.95% 83.98% 120.83% 94.02%
Gold Party 0.25€ 12.50€ 94.47% 87.64% 87.05% 86.65% 99.64% 86.91% 89.03%
Gold Pile Toltec Treasure 0.10€ 10.00€ 96.46% 73.50% 104.20% 18.23% 154.79% 76.33% 9.50%
Gold Rush 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00% 84.68% 89.42% 83.68% 84.52% 83.71% 90.99%
Gold Rush Express 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.20% 94.98% 97.54% 95.66% 98.33% 95.70% 82.49%
Gold Rush Riches 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 124.80% 61.20% 90.64%
Gold Splash Toots Froots 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.85% 93.19% 84.05% 93.44% 99.64% 153.14% 70.32%
Gold Trio Football 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 95.71% 94.03% 102.00% 93.29% 93.72% 99.48%
Goldaur Guardians 95.55% 83.60% 93.48% 98.83% 78.73% 78.95%
Golden Dragon Inferno 0.25€ 20.00€ 96.41% 92.07% 88.72% 89.10% 96.19% 92.83% 94.20%
Golden Egypt 0.01€ 2000.00€ 92.20% 80.68% 67.31% 90.05% 80.75% 109.14% 48.34%
Golden Elixir 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.19% 97.05% 53.35% 72.61% 84.53% 60.43% 16.92%
Golden Firelink Dragon Song 0.20€ 16.00€ 94.00% 149.10% 121.14% 91.64% 67.66%
Golden Godess 94.75% 90.42% 93.58% 97.89% 89.25% 83.44% 95.48%
Golden Hook 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.75% 99.64% 87.45% 95.56% 96.53% 105.15% 93.62%
Golden Roar BOOM 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 91.43% 179.94%
Golden Safari 0.20€ 3.00€ 94.00% 96.27% 69.60% 83.70% 104.18% 85.98% 101.73%
Golden Sevens 0.20€ 6.00€ 95.10% 39.06%
Golden Stallion 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.17% 73.99% 68.79% 48.83% 61.06% 60.53% 67.67%
Golden Tavern 0.10€ 20.00€ 96.10% 92.09% 95.93% 92.37% 90.57% 100.40% 92.55%
Golden Tiger Jackpot Fortunes 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 130.41%
Golden Wheels of Egypt 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 76.67% 119.04% 101.03% 111.58% 113.68% 113.42%
Gonzitas quest 0.10€ 40.00€ 95.66% 92.61% 94.18% 92.33% 97.90% 97.21% 96.45%
Gonzo's Quest 0.20€ 24.00€ 96.18% 97.66% 93.32% 93.09% 100.49% 99.76% 94.15%
Gonzos Quest Megaways 0.10€ 5.00€ 90.71% 83.72% 93.50% 102.61% 104.80% 92.46% 87.06%
Good Luck Cluster Buster 0.20€ 4.00€ 95.73% 72.32% 67.73% 106.48% 57.08% 76.73% 104.72%
Good Luck Good Fortune 0.10€ 47.00€ 95.00% 90.35% 68.46% 136.35% 97.23% 54.40% 71.87%
GoodOld7s 0.10€ 30.00€ 95.00% 82.07% 85.08% 106.48% 99.41% 54.20% 56.78%
Gorilla 0.02€ 150.00€ 95.00% 73.32% 86.47% 78.11% 67.01% 95.50% 100.35%
Gorilla Kingdom 0.10€ 350.00€ 96.03% 93.35% 98.20% 93.28% 95.76% 97.97% 93.47%
Gorilla Mayhem 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.50% 60.17% 80.73% 82.11% 46.77% 86.77% 76.90%
Gran Via Madrid 1 Ruleta 1.00€ 100.00€ 97.00% 96.00% 94.88% 88.06% 95.94% 94.83% 92.52%
Gran Via Madrid 2 Ruleta 0.20€ 25.00€ 97.30% 83.66% 93.49% 96.71% 99.63% 99.39% 95.49%
Gran Via Madrid XL Ruleta 0.20€ 100.00€ 97.30% 59.84% 77.22% 90.26% 99.11% 93.92% 90.42%
Grand Junction Enchanted Inca 0.05€ 50.00€ 96.45% 247.64% 11.43% 58.75% 101.74% 92.66% 105.69%
Grand Junction Mountain Express 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.16% 93.23% 112.60% 138.37% 49.13% 35.74% 25.61%
Granny Disco Frenzy 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 96.35%
Granny VS Zombies 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.00% 87.68% 78.72% 86.51% 91.61% 95.60% 78.37%
Gravity Bonanza 0.20€ 240.00€ 94.00% 54.05% 104.31% 131.93% 63.62% 63.13% 84.67%
Great 88 0.30€ 150.00€ 95.38% 29.69% 21.72% 52.92%
Great Bear 0.40€ 40.00€ 94.50% 42.00% 130.26% 2.50% 3.00%
Great Blue 0.01€ 96.03% 94.93% 91.95% 91.39% 112.07% 97.56% 87.08%
Great Blue Jackpot 0.01€ 12.50€ 95.02% 97.25% 108.63% 97.08% 89.79% 90.86% 102.23%
Great Rhino 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.53% 98.09% 109.88% 80.55% 79.98% 87.76% 90.89%
Great Rhino Deluxe 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00% 86.86% 93.08% 81.94% 93.61% 79.12% 88.64%
Great Rhino Megaways 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.58% 94.26% 93.29% 96.02% 93.45% 92.73% 96.59%
Greedy Wolf 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.54% 127.73% 90.10% 54.11% 119.30% 99.53% 100.19%
Greek Gods 0.25€ 125.00€ 96.50% 82.32% 89.85% 108.50% 81.85% 151.72% 93.28%
Greek Legends 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 92.40% 101.19%
Greenback Attack 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 79.07% 61.00% 61.16% 78.29%
Griffins Throne 0.01€ 3000.00€ 95.11% 70.58% 71.16% 132.67% 112.46% 126.43% 132.85%
Grim Reaper Supermatch 0.10€ 40.00€ 94.00% 98.27% 29.21% 76.23% 165.83% 73.28% 75.39%
Gritty Kitty 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 79.80% 93.48% 87.93% 93.90% 85.59% 107.45%
Grizzly 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.97% 210.42% 38.55% 101.67% 20.00%
Gronk Gems 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.42% 164.08% 47.43% 72.29% 116.24% 59.97% 122.89%
GT World Challenge 0.10€ 25.00€ 93.04% 108.57% 31.72% 65.62% 58.65% 91.17% 91.99%
Guardian of Ra 0.30€ 90.00€ 94.00% 138.50% 82.63% 96.31% 90.60%
Guardians of Luxor 2 0.30€ 60.00€ 94.00% 94.42% 92.50% 90.37% 86.96%
Gummy Giga Match 1.00€ 5.00€ 96.00% 104.74%
Guns And Roses 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.98% 98.33% 98.32% 104.50% 96.87% 101.19% 95.97%
Halloween Fortune 0.01€ 100.00€ 97.00% 75.81% 103.37% 100.46% 93.98%
Halloween Fortune 2 0.25€ 50.00€ 94.00% 95.83% 92.78% 103.51%
Halloween jack 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.28% 69.75% 78.59% 105.27% 86.68% 93.37% 86.35%
Halloween Wins 2 0.20€ 35.00€ 94.00% 96.69% 94.28% 91.05%
Hand of Anubis 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.32% 87.12% 75.36% 88.06% 88.89% 96.11% 101.53%
Hand of Midas 2 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 94.51% 85.48% 112.57% 106.99% 105.65% 88.28%
Hansel and Gretel Candyhouse 0.10€ 30.00€ 95.72% 93.56% 102.37% 83.90% 87.28% 109.02% 74.55%
Happy Birthday JP 0.01€ 15.00€ 0.00% 86.26% 88.03% 101.84% 86.49% 91.55% 90.24%
Happy Riches 0.30€ 75.00€ 96.32% 41.53% 206.34% 57.43% 65.35% 98.97% 142.73%
Harvest Wilds 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.35% 134.13% 39.75% 151.75% 33.02% 65.97% 287.05%
Hat Trick Hero 0.02€ 10.00€ 96.23% 92.38% 177.41% 91.71% 56.42% 12.50% 18.18%
Haul of Hades 0.40€ 600.00€ 96.01% 108.97% 97.83% 89.09% 91.73% 91.57% 94.02%
Hawaii 50 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 51.14% 80.54% 70.46% 89.68% 49.49%
Hawaii Five 0 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 45.45%
Heart of Cleopatra 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.50% 71.47% 105.71% 78.81% 69.41% 87.95% 87.92%
Heart of Rio 0.25€ 0.00€ 96.50% 103.24% 98.91% 85.01% 90.88% 91.11% 94.78%
Hearts Desire 0.30€ 54.00€ 94.00% 33.10% 21.77% 29.53% 24.15% 27.74% 14.34%
Heist for the Golden Nugget 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.00% 88.92% 83.69% 68.04% 99.64% 46.00% 50.09%
Hells Kitchen 0.20€ 400.00€ 96.07% 100.08% 96.82% 74.82% 58.40% 80.95% 83.23%
Hellvis Wild 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.01% 771.14% 129.74% 38.09% 29.29% 113.32% 24.29%
Hercules 10K Ways 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00%
Hercules and Pegasus 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.50% 67.87% 117.91% 56.26% 47.47% 90.94% 61.73%
Hercules High and Mighty 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 96.68% 120.90% 86.34% 52.16%
Hercules Son of Zeus 50.36% 68.09% 92.23% 54.12% 97.60% 220.45%
Here Kitty Kitty 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.70% 90.97% 95.65% 96.63% 95.47% 92.97% 102.81%
Heroes Arrow 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.38% 194.69% 27.69% 79.09% 167.84%
Heroic Spins 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 90.11% 91.01% 66.72% 129.86% 108.89% 70.66%
Higher Forces 0.25€ 100.00€ 96.09% 56.97% 47.27% 75.00%
Himalayan Wild 0.25€ 10.00€ 94.00% 237.46%
Hit Bar 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.00% 84.69% 107.08% 90.78% 94.72% 102.22% 99.56%
Hit Bar Gold 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.61% 90.00% 91.16% 89.90% 97.82% 95.42% 90.78%
Honey Gems 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.46% 38.70% 56.07% 15.79%
Honey Honey Honey 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00% 84.54% 68.70% 95.95% 40.54% 76.79% 58.17%
Hop n Pop 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.20% 75.99% 184.42% 68.22% 78.45% 40.90% 87.40%
Hot and Win 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.00% 95.59% 94.42%
Hot Bonus Joker 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 106.04% 110.88% 96.12% 70.78% 81.07% 88.70%
Hot Chilli 0.01€ 0.00€ 96.52% 90.56% 88.00% 103.27% 94.82% 94.82% 75.10%
Hot Crown Deluxe 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.94% 99.02% 94.70% 75.51% 99.59% 79.20% 71.79%
Hot Fiesta 0.25€ 125.00€ 96.50% 112.00% 104.47% 105.33% 52.22% 217.21% 93.72%
Hot Gems 0.01€ 95.99% 97.24% 96.29% 84.56% 67.49%
Hot Off the Press 0.01€ 12.50€ 93.00% 74.58% 76.89% 73.10% 86.84% 102.03% 94.26%
Hot Pepper 0.20€ 100.00€ 93.92% 97.91% 41.15% 85.01% 168.06% 35.56% 39.60%
Hot Potato 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 81.84%
Hot Safari 0.25€ 25.00€ 94.07% 77.06% 81.40% 92.72% 45.32% 72.39% 73.09%
Hot Slot 777 Cash Out 0.20€ 60.00€ 96.00% 87.50% 91.12% 72.26% 71.46%
Hot Slot 777 Coins 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 146.75% 94.61% 96.56% 86.97%
Hot Slot 777 Crown 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 102.67% 89.75% 82.55%
Hot Slot Great Book Of Magic 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 84.43%
Hot to burn 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00% 94.14% 93.87% 90.37% 89.37% 94.53% 88.98%
Hot to Burn 7 Deadly Free Spins 0.05€ 25.00€ 94.00% 78.46% 109.51% 74.00% 92.26%
Hot to Burn Extreme 0.40€ 240.00€ 94.51% 100.21% 92.30% 69.81% 105.79% 93.62% 87.46%
Hot to Burn Hold and Spin 0.20€ 240.00€ 96.70% 74.08% 83.93% 117.58% 77.69% 95.02% 100.16%
Hot to Burn Multiplier 0.10€ 33.00€ 94.00% 92.03% 109.71% 98.73% 98.37% 88.52% 115.83%
Hotline 0.20€ 200.00€ 96.20% 82.34% 99.59% 83.95% 86.36% 104.88% 86.70%
Hotline 2 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.51% 93.05% 84.57% 94.99% 115.63% 68.90% 52.35%
Howling Wolves Megaways 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 91.60%
Huevos de Pascua Magicos 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 75.08% 72.65% 68.58% 53.79% 74.34% 43.85%
Hula Balua 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.00% 94.60% 85.48% 85.37% 92.27% 102.96% 98.26%
Hyper Gold 0.10€ 20.00€ 96.08% 106.21% 96.11% 88.65% 93.28% 94.42% 98.04%
Hyper Gold All 0.20€ 25.00€ 94.00% 89.93% 97.87% 97.82% 91.79% 104.65% 100.48%
Hyper Strike 0.20€ 60.00€ 96.24% 98.36% 89.87% 86.20% 95.53% 94.37% 102.20%
Hyper Strike Hyperspins 0.20€ 60.00€ 94.60% 90.05% 89.12% 93.62% 94.25% 91.32% 80.93%
Ice Lobster 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 94.64% 84.95% 91.65% 87.50% 85.53% 93.86%
Icy Wilds 0.01€ 2000.00€ 92.15% 85.30% 90.22% 97.77% 88.55% 84.70% 88.94%
Immortal Desire 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 115.70% 81.74% 89.17% 97.09% 70.76% 75.75%
Immortal Glory 0.10€ 25.00€ 96.19% 103.61% 79.43% 83.49% 109.32% 78.17% 87.22%
Immortal Romance 0.30€ 30.00€ 96.86% 96.05% 98.10% 96.97% 108.98% 93.44% 93.67%
Immortal Romance II 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 120.43% 99.46% 77.99% 99.04% 87.80% 164.44%
Immortal Romance VideoBingo 0.05€ 40.00€ 95.13% 92.03% 92.58% 94.76% 89.23% 96.09% 95.99%
Immortal Ways Spooktacular 1.00€ 25.00€ 94.00% 116.12% 96.86% 55.08%
Imperial Crown 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.48% 106.69% 129.64% 111.64% 104.75% 85.64% 69.17%
Infective Wild 0.20€ 22.00€ 94.00% 193.19% 139.85% 79.47% 102.51% 85.56% 63.12%
Ingots of Cai Shen 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.42% 73.23% 80.84% 89.32% 71.20% 75.50% 96.16%
Irish Coins 96.01% 105.42% 90.13% 74.43% 65.99% 64.08%
Irish Luck JP 0.01€ 15.00€ 0.00% 89.23% 90.00% 90.64% 84.68% 130.64% 85.95%
Irish Magic 0.01€ 3000.00€ 94.81% 91.70% 100.38% 96.25% 98.88% 90.75% 99.00%
Irish Pot Lucks 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.06% 94.34% 92.29% 99.42% 95.30% 97.56% 96.82%
Iron Country Outlaw 0.20€ 30.00€ 94.22% 77.75% 56.88% 52.71% 114.76% 74.93% 96.56%
Ismael Beiro 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.00% 183.72% 15.50% 90.40% 83.59% 74.36% 35.19%
ITERO 0.10€ 10.00€ 96.18% 72.01% 55.66% 116.64% 103.83% 94.33% 96.73%
It’s Magic 0.01€ 200.00€ 92.17% 108.25% 1.14%
Jack and the Beanstalk 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.28% 98.78% 88.99% 87.14% 94.52% 96.24% 93.03%
Jack in a Pot 0.10€ 31.25€ 91.10% 97.81% 97.70% 93.87% 93.68% 87.28% 99.20%
Jack O Lantern vs The Headless Horseman 0.12€ 45.00€ 94.00% 46.25% 89.54% 245.78%
Jackpot Bells 0.01€ 96.03% 100.75% 83.74% 131.62% 84.23% 93.81% 89.82%
Jackpot Giant 90.05% 90.44% 89.14% 98.29% 92.13% 88.55% 90.93%
Jackpot Hunter 0.40€ 20.00€ 94.00% 93.33% 90.89% 101.14% 86.97% 75.32%
Jackpot Jester 200000 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.08% 79.05%
Jackpot Jester 50K 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.00% 89.89% 83.98% 100.90% 91.22% 85.10% 79.52%
Jackpot Jester Wild Nudge 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.00% 88.95% 65.49% 75.72% 64.88% 80.27% 80.72%
Jade Butterfly 0.30€ 30.00€ 96.47% 16.67% 472.29% 59.02% 46.47% 28.21% 201.74%
Jane Hunter and the mask of montezuma 0.10€ 250.00€ 94.00% 94.80% 84.40% 96.82% 133.88% 85.31% 89.70%
Jasmine Dreams 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.48% 71.88% 93.81% 565.66% 36.73% 52.30% 23.13%
Jelly Belly Megaways 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 71.82% 55.55% 61.28% 59.25% 229.85% 77.95%
Jelly Slice 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 91.70% 82.57% 78.63% 61.19% 95.84% 117.88%
Jessica Weaver 42.21% 70.60% 43.37% 179.62% 97.21% 43.48%
Jewel Rush 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.45% 87.76% 108.84% 93.25% 75.32% 257.24% 262.47%
Jhon Hunter Book of Tut Respin 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.47% 93.41% 92.26% 136.54% 90.18% 96.86% 97.81%
Jimi Hendrix 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.90% 89.22% 88.11% 82.48% 88.81% 56.92% 122.52%
Jin Ji Bao Xi Endless Treasures 0.88€ 88.00€ 95.73% 95.25% 87.00% 105.04% 90.02% 101.37% 80.57%
Jinglespin 0.01€ 20.00€ 96.48% 96.89% 87.64% 92.11% 89.33% 93.46% 98.92%
John Hunter and the Aztec Treasure 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00% 74.44% 96.51% 102.44% 81.71% 100.34% 116.10%
John Hunter and the Book of the Fallen 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.50% 96.33% 95.85% 85.19% 100.53% 83.99% 93.36%
John Hunter and the Book of Tut 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.50% 94.38% 94.99% 105.80% 91.78% 97.46% 94.96%
John Hunter and the Mayan Gods 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.46% 49.76% 77.17% 71.46% 127.06% 50.52% 74.96%
John Hunter and the Quest for Bermuda Riches 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.36% 90.44% 89.91% 96.93% 90.80% 83.11% 99.01%
John Hunter and the Scarab Queen 0.25€ 125.00€ 96.50% 95.89% 93.69% 93.72% 97.49% 93.09% 94.83%
Joker Bombs 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.48% 85.59% 97.34% 89.92% 112.32% 148.08% 104.70%
Joker Bonanza Cash Spree 0.20€ 35.00€ 96.00% 78.68% 92.51% 78.65% 113.49% 67.86% 97.75%
Joker Jewel 0.00€ 0.00€ 0.00% 93.93% 96.78% 100.30% 96.48% 93.01% 94.45%
Joker King 0.25€ 125.00€ 96.50% 53.42% 105.02% 124.92% 56.34% 43.61% 49.69%
Joker Pro 0.10€ 20.00€ 96.80% 80.79% 81.55% 77.14% 96.00% 65.35% 75.53%
Joker Rush 0.10€ 40.00€ 96.49% 118.62% 25.00% 117.67%
Joker Rush Cash Collect 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.00% 100.34% 94.67% 98.02% 90.72% 89.17% 94.81%
Jokers Jewels Hot 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.00% 105.78% 96.92%
Jokers Jewels Wild 0.05€ 70.00€ 94.00% 84.63% 90.35% 92.27% 94.20% 93.74%
Journey to the West 0.25€ 200.00€ 96.47% 93.45% 106.49% 288.85% 141.69% 93.59% 108.99%
Joyful Joker Megaways 0.20€ 2.00€ 96.25% 90.43% 85.94% 69.01% 89.71% 111.63% 72.80%
JPBacon Gold Hit Link 0.10€ 500.00€ 95.00% 106.02% 90.82% 85.59% 88.69% 96.55% 114.73%
Juan Munoz 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 53.70% 19.23% 45.85% 15.53% 60.83%
Juicy Fruits 0.25€ 125.00€ 96.51% 90.69% 144.10% 81.53% 88.29% 72.59% 76.11%
Juicy Fruits Multihold 0.25€ 12.50€ 94.00% 90.45% 80.14% 84.01% 67.24% 92.71% 71.81%
Jumanji 0.10€ 250.00€ 96.71% 93.69% 94.75% 95.84% 98.16% 104.72% 95.58%
Jungle Break 0.20€ 35.00€ 94.00% 109.33% 78.11% 117.69% 86.69%
Jungle Falls 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.50% 77.56%
Jungle Giants 0.01€ 95.06% 92.50% 91.56% 95.41% 78.03% 99.35% 110.17%
Jungle Gorilla 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.57% 74.57% 84.32% 104.75% 79.07% 71.24% 55.23%
Jungle Jim and the slot Sphinx 0.10€ 80.00€ 96.30% 88.75% 62.14% 80.83% 85.81% 86.20% 26.67%
Jungle Spirit Megaways 0.20€ 16.00€ 94.00% 88.91% 98.48% 91.33% 85.14% 88.85% 107.39%
Junkyard Kings 0.10€ 8.00€ 94.00% 129.86% 70.86% 74.28% 88.69% 48.26% 92.33%
Jurassic Giants 0.01€ 0.00€ 96.01% 109.42% 91.47% 65.16%
Jurassic Island 2 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.70% 94.64% 120.53% 122.83% 65.59% 49.25% 126.88%
Jurassic Park Gold 0.20€ 15.00€ 94.00% 78.15% 61.90% 82.69% 81.79% 80.50% 96.07%
Jurassic Park Remastered 0.30€ 20.00€ 96.67% 107.54% 81.77% 96.72% 100.40% 90.53% 112.73%
Jurassic World: Raptor Riches 0.20€ 94.02% 128.54% 104.65% 73.09% 270.23% 95.36% 150.25%
Katmandu Gold 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 92.23% 97.90%
Katmandu X 0.20€ 4.00€ 94.00% 88.69% 89.04% 108.96%
Keep em 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 150.32% 96.35% 66.76% 82.34% 83.54% 72.48%
Keep Em Cool 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.07% 110.67% 66.78% 75.49% 96.38% 96.95% 66.80%
KICK IT MULTIPLAYER 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 97.62% 100.41% 96.31% 93.60% 88.35% 83.06%
King Africa 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.00% 48.28% 96.23% 87.58% 734.24% 93.42% 151.21%
King Blitz 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.54% 129.06% 19.87% 48.70% 63.53% 69.70% 107.53%
King Carriot 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.51% 46.14% 82.54% 79.30% 85.73% 147.22% 111.78%
King Cobra 0.10€ 10.00€ 96.00% 81.14% 85.79%
King of Cats 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.98% 92.53% 31.77% 66.39% 45.00% 18.04% 195.96%
King of Macedonia 0.01€ 2000.00€ 92.10% 71.16% 64.85% 132.72% 301.11% 115.78% 110.51%
King of Three Kingdoms 0.25€ 125.00€ 96.88% 112.39% 86.10% 104.58% 95.09% 126.94% 87.60%
Kingdom of Cash JP 0.01€ 15.00€ 0.00% 94.32% 84.90% 96.73% 97.90% 89.89% 97.81%
Kingdom of the dead 0.10€ 250.00€ 94.08% 69.77% 94.15% 66.19% 86.81% 91.58% 80.00%
Kingfisher 0.20€ 16.00€ 94.00% 94.98% 96.33% 90.63% 90.51% 87.02% 90.18%
Kingfisher Winterborn 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 97.44% 84.48%
Kings of Crystals 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.25% 90.23% 101.40% 80.30% 125.65% 109.19% 94.63%
Kings of Crystals II Power Combo 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 92.75% 92.35%
Kiss me Clover 1.00€ 2500.00€ 95.39% 70.33% 87.50% 80.71% 97.41% 89.01% 82.66%
Kiss me Clover JP 0.01€ 25.00€ 89.99% 98.14% 85.70% 86.92% 89.83% 86.19% 97.79%
Kitty Glitter 0.39€ 100.00€ 94.92% 57.06% 69.18% 61.66% 128.32% 162.50%
Knight Hot Spotz 0.25€ 125.00€ 94.50% 323.31% 15.98% 44.73% 140.66% 213.09% 52.52%
Knights of Avalon 0.20€ 4.00€ 95.69% 68.26% 171.02% 65.08% 143.72% 144.15% 28.30%
Kodiak Kingdom 0.20€ 5.00€ 96.20% 42.82% 84.65% 83.84% 87.30% 92.69% 60.95%
Kraken Spins 0.05€ 100.00€ 95.40% 86.33% 94.17% 115.26% 86.73% 54.57% 87.63%
La Bruja Fortuna 1.00€ 3.00€ 90.00% 77.75% 123.35% 81.26% 90.28% 81.13% 67.73%
La Diosa Waikiki 0.10€ 25.00€ 85.00% 71.11% 129.11% 56.29% 69.50% 55.12% 78.19%
La Fortuna del Lejano Oeste 0.20€ 10.00€ 90.00% 66.02% 60.91% 45.69% 50.90% 132.55% 127.61%
La Gran Corona Del Rey 0.50€ 50.00€ 95.00% 82.49% 84.39% 85.26% 77.55% 86.86% 81.78%
La Isla Perdida 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.41% 95.81% 95.51% 95.39% 95.57% 95.04% 95.13%
La joya del caribe 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 97.29% 122.85% 37.35% 62.11% 43.32% 76.96%
La Mina de Oro Halloween 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 51.57% 42.24% 78.07% 52.50% 65.81% 169.38%
La Mina de Oro Navidad 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 95.07% 107.02% 86.59% 81.63% 76.64% 61.87%
La Suerte Irlandesa 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.19% 96.46% 90.59% 94.52% 93.95% 89.23% 87.52%
La Taberna 0.20€ 1.00€ 90.00% 81.46% 90.78% 75.07% 84.77% 100.70% 80.95%
La voz 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 134.81% 54.26% 57.99% 40.17% 53.98% 48.27%
Lady Charm Bug 0.25€ 50.00€ 95.00% 83.85% 86.67% 95.91% 90.38% 107.04% 89.23%
Lady Earth 0.20€ 300.00€ 96.80% 137.18% 43.33% 180.42% 32.55% 19.59% 45.38%
Lamp of infinity 0.20€ 240.00€ 94.02% 67.01% 91.72% 102.01% 50.93% 41.95% 142.41%
Lara Croft Tomb of the sun 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.11% 87.70% 55.30% 87.17% 93.69% 87.24% 78.66%
Lara Croft: Temples and Tombs 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.05% 107.99% 98.15% 79.28% 96.65% 92.66% 92.36%
Las Riquezas de el Dorado 1.00€ 15.00€ 90.00% 73.49% 200.57% 95.45% 64.14% 88.65% 32.47%
Las tres Fuerzas De El Dorado 0.20€ 6.00€ 95.70% 79.74% 70.35% 50.88% 66.56% 57.92% 78.41%
Laser Fruit 0.10€ 31.25€ 91.19% 87.95% 96.64% 73.01% 83.12% 54.87% 91.11%
Lava Gold 0.25€ 3.75€ 95.99% 101.57% 87.37% 84.43% 99.21% 93.02% 82.59%
Le Bandit 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 98.67% 83.77% 84.51% 88.98% 76.88% 104.09%
Le Pharaoh 0.10€ 6.00€ 94.00% 80.87% 84.17% 90.31% 106.41%
Legacy of Athena 0.20€ 35.00€ 94.00% 95.13% 90.06% 85.07% 95.98%
Legacy of Oz 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.01% 85.19% 85.84% 93.83% 90.40% 99.38% 49.79%
Legacy Of The Wild 0.01€ 96.12% 93.05% 73.80% 63.08% 78.34% 109.29% 107.37%
Legend of the Sword 0.20€ 24.00€ 96.12% 111.71% 130.77% 72.87% 64.74% 85.64%
Legendary Diamonds 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 85.06% 98.72%
Legendary Treasures 0.20€ 3.80€ 94.00% 95.25% 106.00% 90.42% 742.97% 85.73% 116.75%
Lejano Oeste 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 128.30% 37.69% 41.27% 97.50% 33.64% 65.87%
Lejano Oeste Mania Megaways 0.20€ 25.00€ 85.00% 98.86% 68.03% 78.45% 91.56% 147.63% 110.00%
Leprechaun Carol 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.53% 51.79% 67.12% 90.89% 98.01% 73.46% 80.04%
Leprechaun Joy 0.10€ 15.00€ 95.00% 89.29% 97.18% 88.40% 84.49% 87.43% 93.83%
Leprechaun Links 0.20€ 50.00€ 96.20% 93.93% 132.74% 76.26% 91.94% 79.44% 98.11%
Leprechaun Song 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.46% 103.15% 99.12% 88.23% 90.26% 102.90% 67.51%
Leprechaun Strike 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.12% 84.73% 102.81% 57.00%
Leprechauns Lucky charms 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.02% 63.94% 41.31% 115.40% 51.91% 48.55% 24.37%
Leprechaunts Luck Cash Collect 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.38% 83.65% 70.04% 97.42% 74.01% 94.05% 95.95%
Leprechaunts Luck Cash Collect MEGAWAYS 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.86% 69.56% 94.72% 77.36% 105.90% 91.04% 98.49%
Let it Burn 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.02% 6.38% 133.17% 55.86% 179.48% 39.62% 38.80%
Let It Snow 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.42% 50.41% 37.85% 158.17% 25.31% 113.03% 58.45%
Let it Spin 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 93.54%
Leticia Sabater Show 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 42.24% 123.92% 79.74% 63.88% 44.98% 454.27%
Lightning Viking 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.04% 51.07% 135.22% 61.88% 20.00% 1506.67%
LightsCameraCash 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 123.67% 92.66% 128.99% 82.01% 101.99% 91.51%
LIL DEMON MEGA CASH COLLECT 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 93.81% 93.66% 126.62%
Limbo 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 86.28% 96.85% 88.97% 85.92% 52.83%
Links of Fire 0.20€ 4.00€ 94.23% 93.74% 54.51% 68.70% 70.79% 72.64% 83.74%
Links of Ra 0.20€ 6.00€ 94.23% 76.45% 75.93% 86.12% 83.80% 113.88% 81.26%
Links of Ra II 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 94.98% 102.33% 74.17% 92.33% 100.62% 85.13%
Lion Safari 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.00% 100.32% 82.24% 75.75% 82.77%
Little Gem Hold Spin 0.05€ 250.00€ 94.62% 34.07%
Little Green Men Nova Wilds 0.01€ 2000.00€ 92.04% 86.11% 42.87% 35.83% 27.19% 80.54% 58.06%
Llevate la Pasta Megaways 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.00% 90.54% 91.00% 90.87% 93.30% 86.96% 116.33%
Lobster Bob Crazy Crab Shack 0.20€ 16.00€ 96.00% 44.82% 57.87% 72.46% 51.95% 52.84% 52.51%
Lobster Bobs Sea Food and Win it 0.20€ 33.00€ 95.00% 110.76% 113.23% 85.44% 107.60% 93.63% 69.32%
Lock and Hit Red Knight 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.47% 268.79% 80.97% 136.57% 130.77% 94.23% 102.96%
Lock and pop 0.20€ 28.00€ 95.00% 92.35% 88.64% 90.35% 95.34% 92.35% 87.72%
Lockdown Loot 0.05€ 100.00€ 95.38% 127.39% 55.58% 88.75% 109.91% 211.51% 76.96%
Lokis riches 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.50% 87.40% 94.01% 75.63% 77.62% 83.71% 90.31%
London Tube 0.10€ 30.00€ 94.74% 111.06% 96.04% 96.18% 94.74% 97.28% 83.72%
Lone Star Link Eagle Wins 0.50€ 25.00€ 94.00% 108.44%
Lone Star Link Grizzly Wins 0.50€ 25.00€ 95.00% 20.00% 103.71% 34.28%
Long Pao 0.25€ 250.00€ 96.96% 79.64% 83.64% 119.51% 40.00% 103.69% 90.51%
Loot Boos 0.20€ 25.00€ 94.00% 68.13% 127.11% 122.91% 100.22% 20.00% 64.39%
Lord of the Ocean 0.01€ 45.00€ 95.99% 112.75% 81.21% 94.36% 90.58% 111.80% 95.43%
Lord of the Ocean Magic 0.10€ 95.01% 79.22% 92.20% 79.92% 80.07% 94.44% 78.93%
Lord Venom 0.10€ 6.00€ 96.20% 61.62% 67.86% 35.19% 342.04% 68.47% 75.27%
Los 3 Deseos 49.18% 63.03% 105.32% 29.23% 85.06% 84.01%
Lots of Likes 0.10€ 4.00€ 94.00% 125.03% 78.62% 50.37% 103.79% 27.13% 82.33%
Lotto Madness 0.01€ 20.00€ 97.06% 95.20% 99.40% 99.38% 99.09% 96.62% 98.48%
Lotus Dynasty 0.25€ 15.00€ 94.00% 37.28% 40.94% 44.17% 72.64%
Love and Rage Olympus Buy Bonus 0.25€ 25.00€ 94.00% 97.83% 77.75% 77.78% 70.56%
Lucha Legends 33.20% 122.54% 87.01% 78.93% 103.72% 82.53%
Lucia Martiño: Lucky Wave 0.25€ 25.00€ 91.02% 68.77% 79.31% 151.04% 103.68% 535.20% 42.86%
Luck Rush Express 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 96.40% 105.44% 90.96% 95.49%
LUCKY BASS MEGA CASH COLLECT 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 94.51% 88.86% 92.33% 98.35%
Lucky Bonanza Cash Spree 0.20€ 13.60€ 94.00% 93.05% 66.61% 126.21% 117.67% 107.32% 83.90%
Lucky Clucks 0.15€ 6.00€ 96.19% 77.34% 77.30% 116.64% 109.99% 126.24% 100.50%
Lucky Duende 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 81.95% 147.31% 109.58% 123.29% 84.01% 30.82%
Lucky Firecracker 0.25€ 250.00€ 96.19% 140.12% 121.65% 39.35% 85.01% 93.31% 135.28%
Lucky Fish Finder 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.96% 72.56% 59.48% 111.62% 55.71%
Lucky Gift Cash Collect 0.20€ 500.00€ 95.00% 84.92% 93.48% 111.75% 105.85% 64.48% 98.79%
Lucky Halloween 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.16% 92.04% 761.11% 44.30% 87.29% 81.09% 160.74%
Lucky Joker 0.20€ 25.00€ 94.27% 82.16% 78.65% 87.38% 85.59% 95.00% 88.49%
Lucky Ladys Charm Deluxe 0.02€ 50.00€ 95.13% 79.68% 85.90% 87.71% 93.27% 89.38% 103.11%
Lucky Ladys Charm Deluxe 10 101.79% 94.15% 96.61% 95.07% 89.79% 101.58%
Lucky Ladys Charm Deluxe 6 0.02€ 16.00€ 95.13% 60.48% 38.15% 57.06% 80.82% 74.63% 164.78%
Lucky Larrys Lobstermania 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.38% 87.41% 103.40% 87.07% 83.93% 83.64% 97.62%
Lucky Larrys Lobstermania II 0.60€ 18.00€ 94.00% 74.81% 9.03%
Lucky Lemons 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 98.54% 96.16% 94.62% 100.73% 101.96% 87.14%
Lucky Leprechaun Clusters 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.31% 62.50% 28.00% 5.00%
Lucky Lightning 0.25€ 0.00€ 96.48% 96.35% 44.26% 91.41% 136.44% 90.13% 57.60%
LUCKY PLAYER 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 75.23% 67.44% 105.61% 79.51% 110.48% 13.45%
Lucky Riches Hyperspins 0.25€ 125.00€ 97.49% 77.67% 104.38% 151.05% 75.40% 46.34% 41.84%
Lucky Twins Link and Win 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.24% 65.26% 94.16% 80.86% 83.61% 87.81% 72.13%
Lucky Wizard 0.10€ 31.25€ 91.06% 76.69% 101.20% 85.84% 94.90% 100.42% 103.01%
Lunar Link Nile Moon 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 87.58% 91.37% 91.12% 75.64% 77.78% 65.31%
LUNAR LINK PHOENIX MOONS 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.00% 90.61% 99.81% 79.30% 84.00% 99.09% 74.20%
MACABRA LINX 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 80.19% 75.27% 81.91% 90.43% 89.81% 116.92%
MACABRA LINX POWERPLAY JACKPOT 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 90.19% 83.02%
Mad Mad Monkey HQ 0.50€ 25.00€ 95.40% 85.96% 101.68% 91.49% 102.20% 93.53% 92.07%
Madame Destiny 0.10€ 0.00€ 96.49% 89.00% 88.00% 98.76% 103.05% 51.05% 137.61%
Madame Destiny Megaways 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.56% 101.94% 93.14% 92.58% 91.56% 97.74% 96.78%
Mae Do Ouro Golden Spirit Bingo game 0.25€ 2.00€ 95.00% 98.25% 95.00% 84.70% 95.70% 90.06% 91.19%
Mafia Clash 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 321.06% 102.74% 76.12% 75.78% 88.48% 61.28%
Magic Fruits Deluxe 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.00% 91.66% 93.39% 95.39% 89.48%
Magic Journey 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.54% 39.48% 102.18% 25.38% 83.39% 61.57% 114.54%
Magic Lab 0.10€ 15.00€ 96.00% 97.20% 70.31% 92.71% 82.77% 114.12% 66.14%
Magic Maid Cafe 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.97% 101.40% 94.44% 76.80% 132.39% 88.26% 95.31%
Magic Money Maze 0.10€ 250.00€ 94.53% 84.70% 86.97% 93.53% 84.68% 98.86% 97.92%
Magic of the Nile 0.15€ 50.00€ 93.02% 85.64% 80.59% 83.00% 81.23% 78.18% 82.76%
Magic Piggy 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.47% 102.78% 66.96% 89.94% 74.87% 111.15% 73.22%
Magic Powers Megaways 0.20€ 12.00€ 95.20% 68.68% 90.56% 87.39% 85.74% 117.77% 84.34%
Magic Spins 0.10€ 40.00€ 96.00% 84.90% 120.34%
Magic Tricks 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.00% 138.17% 46.36% 57.41% 9.74% 49.43% 141.06%
Magic Window 0.20€ 15.00€ 94.00% 121.90% 60.86% 94.07%
Magical Reels 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.13% 74.80% 87.37% 10.00% 106.78% 109.74% 55.63%
Magicians Secrets 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.49% 88.93% 78.63% 104.46% 66.82% 100.81% 54.48%
Magnificent Merlin 0.50€ 25.00€ 94.00% 123.52% 79.48% 101.32% 107.17% 102.30%
Magnificent Power Apollo 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 96.49% 95.16%
Magnificent Power Bastet 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 90.59% 117.27% 94.05% 91.19%
Magnificent Power Wolf Fire Spirit 0.20€ 24.00€ 94.00% 88.34% 89.82% 90.25% 98.62% 94.12% 117.02%
Magnificent Power Zeus 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.20% 90.93% 88.01% 103.24% 94.20% 87.43% 103.42%
Makoke Caza Espiritus 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 77.00% 38.44% 98.94% 71.89% 44.97% 225.23%
Mammoth Gold Megaways 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.00% 69.57% 74.14% 48.65% 65.20% 67.87% 103.24%
Man vs Gator 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.00% 83.63% 88.95% 91.78% 91.93% 98.33% 86.93%
Manolo el del Bombo 0.20€ 10.00€ 90.00% 56.52% 72.18% 93.14% 296.67% 67.35% 75.28%
Mansion Encantada 0.20€ 15.00€ 90.00% 230.60% 263.10% 81.70% 93.44% 71.85% 40.30%
Mapa de los Vikingos 0.30€ 6.00€ 95.24% 34.06% 80.89% 86.48% 77.99% 110.64% 49.23%
Mar Dorado Megaways 0.20€ 5.00€ 94.00% 95.62% 85.45% 94.41% 92.28%
Maria la Piedra en Troya 0.20€ 15.00€ 90.00% 99.42% 101.91% 11.97% 7.62% 63.70% 60.75%
Maria Lapiedra Carnaval 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 71.49% 117.52% 88.00% 42.04% 178.67% 101.14%
Marias Marigolds 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 93.47% 128.46% 92.66% 78.26%
Mario Vaquerizo Aventura Pirata 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 87.68% 89.24% 89.91% 60.28% 69.27% 80.82%
Mas Peluches 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.30% 95.63% 96.64% 101.41% 94.38% 97.63% 92.08%
Mask of Amun 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.00% 89.40% 83.75% 90.58% 97.22% 96.51% 89.49%
Mask Singer 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 10.34% 89.52% 102.57% 126.40% 76.58% 47.12%
Massive Gold 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.50% 97.07% 94.01% 97.59% 91.18% 90.70% 95.58%
Master Chens Fortune 0.01€ 0.00€ 96.48% 64.71% 47.23% 99.02% 83.63% 80.45% 39.44%
Master Joker 0.01€ 10.00€ 96.51% 93.19% 98.98% 117.60% 93.46% 92.72% 97.00%
Masters Of Olympus 0.10€ 25.00€ 94.02% 74.28% 77.62% 105.37% 84.64% 74.85% 54.02%
Masters Of Valhalla 0.10€ 5.00€ 96.00% 65.59% 95.88% 96.29% 76.61% 86.76% 97.82%
Maui Mischief 0.25€ 75.00€ 96.47% 98.76% 59.71% 60.86% 25.73% 77.97% 91.84%
Mayan Blocks 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.36% 72.78% 78.19% 58.31% 73.52% 105.52% 73.50%
Mayan Blocks Power Play 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.31% 874.17% 121.46%
Mayan Cache 1.00€ 30.00€ 96.00% 89.40% 95.39%
Mayan Eagle 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.32% 81.98% 215.84% 74.15% 56.12% 49.72% 97.18%
Mayan Gods 0.10€ 31.25€ 91.11% 70.89% 108.98% 87.71% 112.46% 91.86% 85.20%
Mayan Stackways 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.29% 141.37% 109.62% 86.78% 53.15% 84.97% 124.28%
Mayhem 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.71% 61.93% 77.31% 81.24% 103.87% 81.08% 93.10%
Medusa Queen of Stone 0.12€ 48.00€ 94.00% 97.16% 91.31% 91.75% 97.05% 94.60%
Medusas Stone 0.20€ 14.00€ 94.00% 90.30% 86.79% 94.84% 94.13% 92.57% 92.20%
Mega Fire Blaze Dwarves n Goblins 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 90.72% 88.79% 89.96% 94.64% 95.39% 90.79%
Mega Fire Blaze Emperor of Rome 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.91% 92.21% 83.09% 93.51% 78.01% 90.59% 83.62%
Mega Fire Blaze Khonsu God of Moon 0.20€ 5.00€ 96.49% 95.77% 98.39% 97.86% 92.75% 100.42% 99.27%
Mega Fire Blaze Khonsu God Of Moon Power Play 0.10€ 90.00€ 95.43% 92.41% 90.05% 93.81% 92.82% 99.44% 107.18%
Mega Fire Blaze Legacy of the Tiger 0.10€ 20.00€ 96.59% 91.04% 92.70% 94.57% 100.28% 100.40% 95.74%
Mega Fire Blaze Rocky 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.00% 88.06% 94.44% 124.10% 105.61% 81.15% 90.32%
Mega Fire Blaze Ruleta 0.20€ 500.00€ 97.30% 98.39% 96.99% 96.28% 96.99% 96.37% 95.71%
Mega Fire Blaze: Wild Pistolero 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.96% 96.59% 89.13% 97.33% 97.13% 96.02% 93.02%
Mega Joker 0.01€ 120.00€ 95.05% 80.07% 85.50% 99.19% 77.97% 87.68% 89.58%
Mega Mustang Link and win 0.10€ 7.50€ 94.00% 95.26% 94.88% 90.47% 93.04% 110.43%
Mega Pyramid 0.10€ 31.25€ 96.18% 57.01% 49.43% 48.62% 60.28% 50.07% 92.30%
Mega Rise 0.10€ 31.25€ 95.08% 98.27% 137.40% 13.93% 79.82% 248.87% 92.38%
Megahops Megaways 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 94.92%
Merlins Alchemy 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 65.37% 77.20% 716.32% 41.37% 65.66% 34.38%
Mermaids 0.10€ 50.00€ 94.00% 58.91% 74.36% 64.79% 52.58%
Mermaids Millions 0.15€ 150.00€ 96.56% 93.82% 90.87% 101.35% 95.01% 98.47% 98.43%
MGA Mix 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 63.26% 64.05% 75.54% 192.65% 76.20% 71.48%
Miami Glow 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.09% 96.37% 78.13% 78.45% 31.98% 42.03%
Miami Multiplier 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.30% 16.88% 77.71% 28.21% 9.57% 44.66% 31.30%
Midas Golden Touch 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 98.99%
Midas Golden Touch 2 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 101.46%
Midas Golden Touch Christmas Edition 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 88.89%
Midas Magic Link and Win 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.29% 1772.98% 45.60% 202.60% 103.91% 84.99% 57.98%
Midnight Romance 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.00% 85.36% 103.27% 90.64% 95.27% 95.02% 90.93%
Mighty Hat Lamp of Gold 0.05€ 50.00€ 96.24% 84.91% 176.69% 12.40% 60.00% 74.55% 59.56%
Mighty Masks 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.20% 170.25% 64.52% 72.57% 61.16% 260.94% 65.17%
Mighty Munching Melons 0.20€ 32.00€ 95.00% 70.89% 94.06% 70.45% 54.39% 146.08% 53.32%
Mighty Titan Link and Win 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.01% 93.26% 39.14% 48.50% 204.07% 98.82% 40.25%
Mighty Wild Panther 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.00% 114.27% 95.58% 104.26% 99.84%
Milkshake xxxtreme 0.25€ 50.00€ 94.02% 66.78% 41.57% 37.51% 70.55% 62.92% 62.85%
Million 777 Bells 0.40€ 30.00€ 94.00% 75.82% 85.44%
Million 777 Hot 0.20€ 25.00€ 94.00% 126.65% 60.28% 103.88% 113.39%
Million 777 Wheel 0.20€ 25.00€ 94.00% 95.65% 69.43% 65.12% 94.98%
Million Dracula 2 0.20€ 15.00€ 96.00% 32.10% 67.80% 116.71%
Million Zeus 2 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 89.25% 74.11% 70.84% 98.85%
Mina de Oro 0.20€ 1.00€ 90.00% 101.87% 93.47% 93.59% 91.67% 91.01% 95.15%
Mina de Oro Golden Edition 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 58.68% 115.19% 65.27% 80.82% 64.91%
Mina de oro mania Megaways 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.00% 90.85% 77.23% 85.69% 74.15% 76.64% 86.05%
Mina de oro Plus 0.20€ 15.00€ 90.00% 83.80% 88.70% 92.45% 101.91% 124.28% 80.05%
Mina Explosiva Gold Blitz 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 89.34% 89.58%
Mine Blown 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 70.68% 76.89%
Mines 0.20€ 1000.00€ 98.00% 150.34%
Mining Pots of Gold 0.20€ 15.00€ 94.00% 90.80% 90.04% 128.51% 87.78% 82.54% 90.39%
Mireia Lalaguna Reina de Hielo 0.30€ 6.00€ 95.24% 54.38% 70.93% 77.72% 78.16% 55.61% 139.73%
Mis Peluches Favoritos 0.01€ 15.00€ 95.39% 95.53% 94.45% 95.73% 95.92% 98.25% 92.85%
Mis Peluches Favoritos JP 0.01€ 15.00€ 95.39% 91.10% 88.81% 87.39% 94.90% 91.55% 90.72%
Mistress of Egypt 0.01€ 1000.00€ 94.20% 89.10% 85.00% 96.36% 125.06% 59.61% 57.90%
Mochimon 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.50% 106.04% 102.91% 72.88% 80.68% 47.62% 110.54%
Moleionaire 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 94.97%
Money Mouse 0.25€ 125.00€ 96.00% 95.75% 94.49% 98.05% 97.23% 91.54% 96.06%
Money Stacks 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 98.14% 94.48% 81.54% 89.65%
Monkey Madness 0.09€ 90.00€ 96.53% 71.16% 87.96% 80.32% 46.67% 72.49% 58.94%
Monster Multipliers 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.70% 80.73% 67.90% 76.94% 109.51% 97.17% 105.82%
Monster Pop 0.20€ 200.00€ 97.07% 57.43% 39.83% 75.51% 81.89% 26.89% 185.48%
Monster Superlanche 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.01% 83.07% 77.18% 80.75% 107.56% 91.48% 97.55%
Monsters Unchained 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.73% 105.15% 105.40% 79.04% 127.58% 69.22% 75.10%
Monsterville Secrets 0.10€ 8.00€ 94.00% 93.32% 93.11% 104.23%
Monstronautas Cosmicos 0.25€ 25.00€ 94.00% 96.00% 92.54% 106.07%
Moon Spell 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 110.45% 103.38% 84.28%
More Unusual Suspects 0.20€ 15.00€ 94.00% 88.47% 94.12% 79.49% 106.89% 124.72% 95.83%
Mr Magnifico 0.20€ 1.00€ 90.00% 77.28% 85.56% 81.13% 101.36% 83.84% 100.63%
Mr Vegas 2 0.20€ 50.00€ 95.00% 67.31% 34.14% 94.50% 11.43% 272.45% 153.39%
Ms Robin Hood 0.10€ 8.00€ 94.00% 145.20% 70.69% 77.76%
Muertos Multiplier Megaways 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.08% 76.60% 106.44% 67.20% 86.56% 110.13% 86.70%
Mummy MegaWays 0.10€ 6.00€ 94.00% 83.22%
Mummys Millions 96 0.20€ 15.00€ 94.00% 93.86% 73.04% 97.79% 76.24%
Musketeers 1 Wild for All 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 73.65% 112.04% 98.62% 80.13%
Mustang Gold 99.68% 97.31% 94.92% 92.75% 98.34% 99.99%
Mustang Gold Megaways 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 89.29%
Mustang Riches 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.45% 92.11% 119.30%
Mustang Trail 0.10€ 250.00€ 94.07% 89.51% 100.15% 99.35% 85.71% 94.84% 87.92%
Myrtle The Witch 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 89.79% 98.02% 80.88%
Mysteries of Egypt 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 100.92% 129.81%
Mysterious 0.10€ 10.00€ 96.50% 69.40% 26.97% 40.90% 74.41% 72.28% 118.93%
Mysterious Egypt 0.10€ 0.00€ 96.50% 98.21% 90.66% 100.42% 90.09% 83.24% 71.60%
Mystery Express 0.01€ 2000.00€ 97.03% 124.06% 60.10% 97.01% 69.54% 145.21% 44.83%
Mystery Mice 0.20€ 20.00€ 95.00% 76.91% 85.10% 112.37%
Mystery Motel 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.30% 144.72% 67.23% 53.28% 35.50% 74.98% 81.83%
Mystery of the Orient 0.25€ 125.00€ 96.00% 127.12% 73.19% 74.91% 101.54% 89.96% 79.02%
Mystery reels deluxe 0.10€ 4.00€ 95.66% 94.36% 92.50% 95.66% 90.97% 85.33% 92.10%
Mystic Chief 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.48% 38.10% 178.34% 102.58% 98.92% 19.90% 2.73%
Mystic Lady 0.08€ 6.00€ 94.00% 92.89% 90.78% 54.72% 86.60%
Narcos 0.20€ 20.00€ 96.23% 95.53% 95.70% 96.52% 97.23% 97.26% 99.11%
Narcos Mexico 0.20€ 10.00€ 95.70% 89.28% 111.24% 84.84% 80.93% 82.29% 122.44%
Neon Staxx 0.20€ 12.50€ 96.07% 108.60% 213.03% 154.79% 150.21% 84.32% 77.14%
Neptune Riches, Ocean of Wilds 0.10€ 10.00€ 96.15% 90.79% 96.03% 94.97% 40.97% 88.27% 144.03%
Nika Queen of Persia 0.30€ 6.00€ 90.00% 93.61% 59.37% 62.67% 87.45% 105.34% 130.99%
Nile Fortune 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 100.25% 87.68% 86.22% 91.39% 90.95% 88.02%
Ninja Ways 0.10€ 31.25€ 91.10% 100.19% 84.00% 95.24% 89.56% 109.36% 97.38%
Nitropolis 3 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.00% 99.29% 86.22% 83.54% 97.39% 85.32% 86.53%
Nitropolis 4 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 89.30% 98.37% 82.97% 84.22% 91.11% 92.72%
Nitropolis 5 0.20€ 2.00€ 94.00% 98.26% 90.29% 92.87% 92.34% 94.70% 80.15%
Noble Sky 0.25€ 50.00€ 96.12% 96.70% 95.55% 87.92% 90.52% 58.33% 95.49%
North Guardians 0.50€ 100.00€ 94.34% 166.62%
Nugget Frenzy 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 101.52% 78.41%
Numero uno 0.20€ 120.00€ 95.22% 81.85% 92.32% 130.83% 94.82% 110.84% 100.24%
O Reillys Charms Gold Hit 0.10€ 500.00€ 95.00% 73.07% 100.93% 94.83% 97.00% 104.78% 80.90%
Ocean Magic 0.01€ 3000.00€ 92.18% 68.18% 89.27% 63.22% 94.18% 86.86% 79.99%
Oceans Treasure 0.15€ 3.00€ 95.99% 93.75% 80.46% 76.44% 100.45% 92.98% 79.18%
Octo Attack 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 97.76% 85.88% 91.01% 91.12%
Octobeer Fortune 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.52% 51.78% 54.85% 42.79% 21.88% 81.04% 49.51%
Odds On Winner 0.10€ 33.00€ 94.00% 41.69%
Odins Riches 0.20€ 96.07% 74.51% 154.07% 76.77% 79.76% 33.97% 47.77%
Oink Country Love 0.50€ 125.00€ 96.01% 88.35%
OINK OINK OINK 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.00% 97.58% 96.09% 97.44% 96.61% 93.98% 94.36%
Olimpo de Zeus 0.25€ 10.00€ 94.00% 93.64% 105.48% 66.43% 52.29%
Om nom 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.28% 56.01% 28.13% 39.32% 35.00% 46.84% 97.69%
Oodles of Noodles 0.10€ 19.00€ 94.00% 93.67% 98.61% 92.78%
Opal Fruits 0.10€ 100.00€ 96.67% 90.58% 103.14% 93.34% 67.87% 95.20% 89.54%
Orb of Destiny 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 93.37% 101.45% 52.60% 79.58% 52.98% 303.17%
Oro de Atenea 0.20€ 10.00€ 90.00% 79.75% 39.91% 5.77% 30.53% 29.08% 18.32%
Outlaws Inc 0.10€ 30.00€ 94.17% 45.38% 63.61% 55.49% 57.71% 85.07% 78.38%
Oxygen 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 102.09% 91.55% 85.72% 94.74% 84.99% 95.07%
Ozzy Osbourne 0.10€ 20.00€ 96.10% 112.51% 51.65% 52.43% 73.77% 77.07% 113.18%
Panda Blitz 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.95% 102.84% 80.53% 91.76% 109.16% 89.91% 94.00%
Panda Bonanza 0.20€ 10.00€ 94.00% 89.11% 85.44% 96.69% 106.99% 98.52% 112.68%
Pandas Fortune 0.01€ 0.00€ 96.17% 88.26% 129.58% 93.64% 32.12% 126.13% 79.56%
Pandas Fortune 2 0.25€ 0.00€ 96.51% 94.14% 93.54% 136.30% 331.81% 12.50% 100.40%
Pandoras Treasure 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 114.06% 93.09% 92.11% 96.56% 76.03% 97.28%
Panther Moon Bonus Lines 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.00% 89.55% 85.65% 96.20% 100.64% 99.61% 92.56%
Panther Queen 0.25€ 25.00€ 94.00% 118.53% 107.49% 116.66% 39.00% 44.00% 72.23%
Parthenon Quest for Immortality 0.20€ 200.00€ 96.04% 128.33% 103.58% 110.57% 165.58% 54.89% 97.07%
Pasapalabra 0.20€ 15.00€ 95.00% 91.27% 78.74% 85.11% 72.47% 75.62% 79.32%
Path Of Destiny 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.00% 91.28% 56.16% 60.26% 82.75% 86.69% 78.84%
Paulo Futre The Last Gladiator 0.20€ 100.00€ 90.08% 103.64% 130.56% 67.56% 249.48% 54.63% 76.94%
Pay Day 0.30€ 15.00€ 95.00% 188.68% 83.83% 84.90% 89.63% 71.77% 80.01%
Payday Pig 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 82.83% 80.66%
Payout Time 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 58.52% 16.84% 5.91% 110.38% 7.50%
Peaky Pigs 0.20€ 25.00€ 94.09% 94.39% 97.82% 80.80% 98.85% 90.90% 106.34%
Pearl Catcher 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.22% 155.53% 77.43% 85.13% 85.95% 106.45% 78.64%
Pearls Pearls Pearls 0.10€ 50.00€ 96.50% 108.80% 113.92% 100.08% 103.60% 95.25% 109.87%
Pegasus Cash Spree 0.20€ 35.00€ 94.00% 93.16% 97.78% 96.74% 94.99% 93.47% 92.80%
Peggy Sweets 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.00% 135.88% 81.89% 104.57% 90.76% 82.27% 99.59%
Peking Luck 0.25€ 25.00€ 95.50% 60.19% 93.93% 65.73% 132.35% 235.35% 34.86%
Penguins Christmas Party Time 0.05€ 50.00€ 94.00% 86.19%
Penny Roulette 0.01€ 500.00€ 97.30% 96.69% 97.10% 96.04% 99.21% 95.99% 96.24%
Pequenos Jurasicos 0.01€ 3000.00€ 93.09% 102.85% 99.10% 96.39% 96.69% 94.28% 92.26%
PETRO FORTUNA 0.10€ 20.00€ 95.00% 98.01% 104.71% 93.53% 80.02% 97.22% 69.36%
Pharaohs Fortune 0.15€ 50.00€ 96.52% 76.68% 263.05% 81.75% 90.76% 105.02% 88.56%
Phoenix Fire Power Reels 0.10€ 31.25€ 91.23% 82.73% 95.43% 95.52% 87.01% 95.55% 106.99%
Phoenix Forge 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.51% 91.37% 88.24% 93.81% 94.33% 88.71% 90.40%
Phoenix Graveyard 0.20€ 10.00€ 96.00% 117.64% 81.87%
Pig City Life 0.20€ 6.50€ 94.00% 94.01% 86.67% 92.26% 76.90% 93.77%
Pigeons from space 0.10€ 100.00€ 95.93% 54.39% 77.56% 22.50% 38.80% 66.02% 10.00%
Piggies and The Bank Mega Fire Blaze 0.10€ 450.00€ 95.38% 99.37% 90.80% 86.57% 89.72% 105.71% 94.08%
Piggy Bank Bills 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.50% 108.25% 110.60% 107.28% 94.86% 91.30% 70.06%
Piggy Bankers 0.20€ 240.00€ 96.00% 92.18% 85.61% 95.39% 102.77% 80.11% 92.54%
Piggy Bonanza 0.10€ 10.00€ 94.00% 93.36%
Piggy Payout JP 0.01€ 25.00€ 89.99% 89.75% 91.49% 96.74% 95.14% 91.82% 91.22%
Piggy Prize Wand of Riches Buy Bonus 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 91.98% 77.10%
Piggy Prizes Wish of Riches Buy Bonus 0.20€ 40.00€ 94.00% 88.04% 92.38% 127.68% 70.29%
Pile Em Up Frosty Sweets 0.20€ 13.00€ 94.00% 101.23% 100.70% 135.32% 87.75% 82.81% 94.12%
Pile Em Up V94 0.20€ 30.00€ 96.22% 80.73% 78.05% 83.79% 56.46% 96.20% 147.61%
Piles of Presents 0.20€ 50.00€ 94.16% 59.51% 40.00% 81.32% 71.59% 68.21% 90.64%
Pinatas and Ponies 0.20€ 40.00€ 95.66% 97.60% 89.67% 95.79% 88.76% 90.84% 89.43%
Pineapple Pop 0.20€ 20.00€ 94.00% 88.50% 82.14% 96.63% 93.22% 77.22% 79.91%
Pink Elephants 2 0.10€ 100.00€ 94.00% 89.55%
Pinocchio 0.01€ 75.00€ 96.53% 24.34% 13.70%
Pinup Girls 0.01€ 100.00€ 94.43% 78.39% 373.43% 40.79% 164.60% 21.07% 53.56%
Pirate Gold 84.83% 97.30% 83.65% 87.86% 95.34% 91.91%
Pirate Gold Deluxe 0.20€ 100.00€ 96.48% 86.85% 74.72% 129.88% 99.02% 137.55% 80.43%
Pirate Golden Age 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.34% 138.34% 84.30% 358.02% 55.71% 84.82% 75.17%
Pirates Pub 0.09€ 99.00€ 94.00% 74.41% 81.06% 50.17% 80.47% 52.66% 58.37%
PiratesParty 0.10€ 50.00€ 95.00% 80.43% 87.58% 87.74% 52.11% 52.13% 67.28%
PiratesPlentyBattleForGold 0.10€ 31.25€ 90.69% 94.32% 88.85% 80.17% 84.06% 67.18% 101.75%
Pirots 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.00% 87.64% 75.15% 103.05% 81.65% 82.79% 81.86%
Pirots 2 0.10€ 10.00€ 95.00% 91.21% 99.64% 91.55% 90.40% 89.66% 88.50%
Pirots 3 0.20€ 100.00€ 95.00% 95.06% 90.76% 89.07% 90.42% 99.66% 94.93%
Pirots X 0.10€ 20.00€ 94.00% 104.04% 97.42% 82.75%
Pixie Wings 0.50€ 200.00€ 95.66% 79.85% 110.48% 49.14% 89.94% 77.82% 85.05%
Pixies of the Forest 0.01€ 100.00€ 93.95% 116.65% 97.04% 80.33% 105.13% 88.91% 86.88%
Pizza Pizza Pizza 0.20€ 100.00€ 94.02% 91.56% 92.1